Full-time Faculty of Education
Conor Barker
Assistant Professor of Psychology and Education
PhD, University of Regina
Research Areas: Inclusive practices in rural school contexts; knowledge translation of psychology to improve equity; diversity, inclusion, and accessibility; the development of clinical competency and creative practice within school psychology.
Robert N. Bérard
Professor of Education
PhD, McMaster University
Research Areas: Curriculum and instruction in history and social studies (elementary and secondary); history and politics of education; private/independent schooling and home schooling; teachers organizations; educational policy formation.
Geneviève Boulet
Associate Professor of Education
PhD, Université de Montréal
Research Areas: The learning and teaching of number concepts; history of mathematics in mathematics education; language and mathematics.
G Michael Bowen
Associate Professor of Education
PhD, University of Victoria
Research Areas: Sociology/ethnography of science, informal science, on-line collaborative communities, graphing/inscriptions learning and use, writing-to-learn science, inquiry activities, gender issues in science education, science teacher education, STEM Education, critical media literacy, science in the media.
Susan (Susie) Brigham
Professor of Education
PhD, University of Alberta
Research Areas: Lifelong Learning/Adult Education; international/Intercultural education; critical feminist pedagogy; immigrant issues; transformative learning; Africentricity in education; critical race theory.
Antony Card
Dean of Education
EdD, University of Southampton
Research Areas: Teaching and research interests include pre-service and teacher education focused on health and physical education and health promoting schools.
Ardra Cole
Professor of Education
EdD, University of Toronto
Christine Doe
Associate Professor of Education
PhD, Queen’s University
Research Areas: Supporting multilingual learners across educational contexts; the relationship between teaching, learning and assessment; and working with interdisciplinary teams to better understand complex learning needs.
Adrian M. Downey
Assistant Professor of Education
PhD, University of New Brunswick
Research Areas: Affect/Emotion; Curriculum Studies; Educational Thought; Indigenous Education; Life Writing; Music; Posthumanism.
Michelle Forrest
Professor of Education
PhD, Dalhousie University
Research/Scholarship: Philosophy of education, philosophy in the classroom, aesthetics and the arts in values education, philosophy in teacher education, art as inquiry, controversy in the classroom, feminist ethics of practice in teacher education.
Andrea Fraser
Assistant Professor of Education
PhD, University of Saskatchewan
Research Areas: reading acquisition and development, reader identity, pre-service and in-service teacher knowledge and beliefs, literacy pedagogy
Fred French
Associate Professor of Education
PhD, University of Alberta
Research Areas: Cognition, metacognition, assessment for learning and learner strategies with an emphasis on exceptionality, learning disabilities and ADHD; educational legislation and administrative practices with an emphasis on student rights and inclusion.
Marnina Gonick
Professor of Education and Women’s Studies
PhD, OISE/University of Toronto – Dept of Sociology and Equity Studies in Education
Research Areas: Gender and Schooling; girlhood studies; cultural studies; sociology of education; feminist qualitative research.
Patricia Gouthro
Professor of Education
PhD, Dalhousie University
Research Areas: Adult Education; feminist perspectives; distance technology; critical theory; life-long learning.
Mary Jane Harkins
Professor of Education
PhD, Dalhousie University
Research Areas: University, school and community collaborations; globalization; indigenous knowledge and education; literacy assessment and instruction; learners with exceptionalities and inclusive education; teacher education; and international humanitarian issues.
Sara King
PhD, Dalhousie University
Registered Psychologist
Research Areas: Evidence-based interventions for learning, behavioural, and mental health disorders, school and clinical psychology training and practice, assessment and intervention for complex learning and behavioural disorders.
Ashwani Kumar
Professor of Education
PhD, University of British Columbia
Research Areas: Curriculum Studies; International Curriculum Studies, Geography Education; Place-based Education; Social Studies Education, Holistic Education; Peace Education, Philosophy of Education.
Lindsay Leighton
Assistant Professor of Education
Michael Pin-Chuan Lin
Assistant Professor of Educational Technology
PhD, Simon Fraser University
Research Areas: Chatbot Assisted Learning, Learning Analytics, Self-Regulated Learning, Personalized Learning, Active Learning, Peer Review, Educational Technology
Andrew Manning
Professor of Education
PhD, University of Ottawa
Research Areas: Literacy and new technologies; critical literacies; the social construction of literacy and literacy instruction; teacher research and research methodologies.
Melissa McGonnell
Associate Professor
PhD, Dalhousie University
Research Interests: Assessment and intervention for complex learning and behavioural disorders; cross-discipline practice; teacher and physician education; transition to post-secondary settings.
Jessie-Lee McIsaac
Associate Professor/Tier II Canada Research Chair in Early Childhood: Diversity and Transitions
Faculty of Education/Department of Child and Youth Study
PhD, University of Alberta
Research Areas: Early childhood development, health and well-being; School-based health promotion and healthy living; Social determinants of health; Early childhood and educational policy; Engaged scholarship and research collaborations; Qualitative and participatory research methods; Knowledge mobilization.
Jamie Metsala
Gail and Stephen Jarislowsky Chair in Learning Disabilities
Professor of Education
PhD, University of Toronto
Research Areas: Reading disabilities and reading acquisition, social cognition in children with nonverbal learning disabilities, development of speech perception & phonological awareness, learning disabilities.
Amna Mirza
Assistant Professor of Education
PhD, Wilfrid Laurier University
Krista Ritchie
Associate Professor of Education
PhD, McGill University
Interests: (1) Social, cognitive, and emotional components of learning, decision making, and problem solving processes. (2) Inquiry-oriented instruction. (3) Classroom engagement. (4) Teachers’ assessment strategies and assessment literacy. (5) Teaching and learning evidence-based practices in the professions. (6) Integrated knowledge translation in education and healthcare. (7) Culturally relevant education.
Cornelia Schneider
Associate Professor of Education
PhD, Université René Descartes – Paris 5
Research Areas: Inclusive education; disability studies; early childhood education; sociology of childhood; comparative research (inclusive education in Europe).
Eddia Solas
Associate Professor of Education
Ph.D. University of the West Indies, Mona
Gerald Tembrevilla
Assistant Professor of Education
PhD, University of British Columbia
Hong Wang
Associate Professor of Education
PhD, Queen’s University
Research Areas: Teaching English as a second or foreign language; ESL/EFL pedagogy; ESL/EFL teacher education and professional development; language policies; ESL/EFL curriculum implementation and evaluation.
Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Elizabeth Church
Professor Emerita
PhD, University of Toronto
Research Areas: Families and parenting, mental health, professional psychology.
William Hare
Professor Emeritus
PhD, University of Toronto
Research Areas: Moral aspects of education and teaching; open-mindedness; critical thinking and the intellectual virtues; the philosophical and educational ideas of Bertrand Russel; philosophy in teacher education.
Anne MacCleave
Professor Emerita
PhD, Pennsylvania State University
Research Areas: Research methodologies; professional ethics; values reasoning; cultural psychology; educators’ implicit assumptions about teaching; learning and schooling.
Sue McGregor
Professor Emerita
PhD, University of Strathclyde
Research Areas: Transdisciplinary methodology; integral leadership; home economics philosophy and leadership; consumer moral leadership; global; citizenship and peace education.
Allan Neilsen
Professor Emeritus
PhD, University of Minnesota
Research Areas: Critical literacy; critical pedagogy; teacher beliefs; images of teaching; media education.
Lorri Neilsen
Professor Emerita
PhD, University of New Hampshire
Research Areas: Writing as inquiry; poetic and literary anthropology; ethnography; narrative and other qualitative research perspectives, including feminist research practices; aesthetic and digital literacies; popular culture and cultural politics.
Donvoan Plumb
Professor Emeritus
PhD, University of Alberta
Research Areas: Higher Education Teaching, Learning, Teaching Technology, Online Learning, Curriculum Development, International and Intercultural Education, Experiential Learning, Adult Education, Community Development.
Susan Walsh
Professor Emerita
PhD, University of Alberta
Research Areas: Female teachers—their subjectivities and experiences (women and difficult experiences in teaching; internationally educated female teachers); Feminist poststructuralist theory; Innovative forms of research (arts-based research, writing as a process of inquiry, poetic inquiry, memory work/collective biography); Contemplative inquiry, contemplative pedagogy, mindfulness; Embodied and relational ways of being and knowing.