2025-2026 Academic Year

Undergraduate Academic Calendar information header

PHYS 1101
General Physics I 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): MATH 1103 or Nova Scotia high school precalculus mathematics and placement into MATH 1113. MATH 1113 is recommended and may be taken concurrently
A study of the concepts of classical physics emphasizing Newtonian Mechanics, oscillations and waves. Solving mathematical problems is an essential part of the course in order to fully develop these physical principles. Laboratory required (3 hours/week)

PHYS 1102
General Physics II 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 1101. Preferably students will be taking MATH 1114 concurrently
A study of electricity and magnetism and optics. Topics may include Coulomb’s law, electric fields, Ohm’s law, magnetic fields, interference, diffraction and some aspects of modern physics.
Laboratory required (3 hours/week)

PHYS 1120
Introduction to Astronomy I: The Sky and Planets 0.5 unit
An introduction to general astronomy for students who may have little background in science or mathematics. Topics may include: introduction to the night sky, historical development of astronomy, planetary motions, eclipses, telescopes and the study of the various objects that make up our solar system. Note: This course may not be included as part of a physics minor.

PHYS 1130
Introduction to Astronomy II: Stars and Galaxies 0.5 unit
An introduction to general astronomy for students who may have little background in science or mathematics. Topics may include: the Sun as a star, properties and evolution of stars, star clusters, nebulae, properties of our Galaxy and other galaxies, quasars and cosmology. Note: This course may not be included as part of a physics minor.

PHYS 2200
Electricity and Magnetism 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 1102 and MATH 1114
A study of electric and magnetic fields, forces and potentials with reference to Gauss’ law, Ampère’s law, Faraday’s law, conductors and insulators, resistance, inductance and capacitances in AC circuits. Electromagnetic induction and Maxwell’s Equations will also be discussed.

PHYS 2210
Waves and Optics 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 1102 and MATH 1114
An introduction to the concepts behind the production, propagation and manipulation of waves including light. Topics include: the simple harmonic oscillator, the wave equation, wave velocity and propagation, wave packets and the techniques of geometrical and physical optics. Interference, diffraction, polarization, and holography may also be included.

PHYS 2230
Modern Physics 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 1102 and MATH 1114
An introduction to quantum theory, including its historical development (blackbody radiation, the photoelectric effect, and the Compton effect.) The concept of wave-particle duality is introduced, and the Schrödinger equation is applied to one-dimensional examples. Topics may also include nuclear physics, atomic structure and atomic spectra and the special theory of relativity. Note: Students who have received credit for CHEM 3301 may not take this course for credit.

PHYS 2250
Topics in Physics 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): permission of the department
An in-depth study of a particular topic in physics. Areas which might be included are nuclear physics, quantum mechanics, special relativity, general relativity, statistical physics, and various topics in astronomy and astrophysics.

PHYS 2260
Experimental Methods 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 1102, MATH 1114 and 0.5 unit of Physics at the 2000 level
An introduction to experimental methods designed to give students laboratory experience in various topics of physics, which will include waves, optics and electromagnetism. Students will be responsible for assembling, performing and documenting the experiments. The class also introduces students to modern data acquisition methods skills, which will be applied in the execution of some experiments. Format: Laboratory 6 hours

PHYS 2270
Foundations of Astrophysics 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 1102, MATH 1114
A mathematics and physics based introduction to the study of astrophysics. Topics covered may include celestial motions and time keeping; orbital mechanics; the solar system and exoplanets; formation, properties and evolution of stars; black holes, Milky Way galaxy; other galaxies and cosmology.

PHYS 2301/CHEM 2301
Chemical Thermodynamics 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1012 and MATH 1113. MATH 1113 may be taken concurrently, though preferably students will have completed MATH 1113 and 1114 prior to taking the course
An introduction to the laws and theories of physical chemistry. Topics include states of matter, properties of phases and solutions, the laws of thermodynamics and equilibrium. Laboratory required (3 hours/week)

PHYS 3310
Directed Study 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): permission of the department
A directed study of a particular topic in physics. Emphasis will be placed on the learning of new material through reading and discussion. Hours and outline to be arranged between the professor and student.

PHYS 3500/MATH 3500
Topics in Mathematics and Physics 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): permission of the Mathematics and Computer Science Department
A study of one particular area of theoretical physics that applies the principles of calculus and other areas of mathematics. Examples of areas that could be studied are relativity, dynamics and fluid mechanics.


Academic Note: This web-based calendar information is applicable for the 2025-2026 academic year which runs from September 01, 2025 to August 31, 2026.

For information on previous years, please consult the University Academic Calendars web page.

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