The MSVU Archives maintains a master list of all archival holdings however at present it can only be searched by the Archives staff. Below is a list of holdings which are available for public searches. Please contact the Archives if you are unable to find the material you need.

Mount Saint Vincent University masters and honours theses can be searched using the Novanet Catalogue.

Mount Saint Vincent University year books from 1873-1981 are available on microfiche at the Library’s Reference Desk.

Mount Saint Vincent University academic calendars from 1947 to present are available for browsing in the Archives.

Some of MSVU’s Archival collections are listed on ArchWay, Nova Scotia’s archival database maintained by the Council of Nova Scotia Archives. In order to find records from the MSVU Archives, click on the link to ArchWay, then select “Mount Saint Vincent University Archives” in the drop down box under “Institution name.”
