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Tracy McDonald English Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant

Tracy McDonald

Seton 561





Click on faculty names for their contact information, teaching and research interests, and recent publications.

Full-time faculty

Dr. Krista Collier-Jarvis (Nek’m/She/Her)
Research Interests: American Gothic; Indigenous Literature; Climate Fiction

Dr. Graham Fraser (He/Him)
Research Interests: Twentieth-Century Literature; Modernism

Dr. Karen Macfarlane (She/Her)
(On sabbatical, Fall 2024)
Research Interests: Gothic Literatures; Monstrosity; Literary Theory

Dr. Diane Piccitto (She/Her)
Department Chair
Research Interests: Romanticism; Blake; Drama

Dr. Matthew Roby (He/Him)
Research Interests: English and Global Medieval Literatures

Dr. Bernadette Russo (She/Her)
Research Interests: Social Justice; Indigenous Literatures and Film; Monstrosity

Dr. Nathaniel Street (He/Him)
Writing Coordinator

Research Interests: Rhetoric; Composition

Dr. Lisa Templin (She/Her)
Research Interests: Early Modern Literature and Drama; Gender; Witchcraft

Dr. Rhoda Zuk (She/Her)
(On sabbatical, Fall 2024) 
Research Interests: Eighteenth-Century Literature; Children’s Literature

Contract faculty

Dr. Jackie Cameron

Dr. Stephen Cloutier

Dr. Kristin Domm

Dr. Brenna Duperron

Dr. Lynne Evans

Clare Goulet

Dr. Adrian Knapp

J Miller

Lesley Newhook

Dr. Sandra Orser

David Wilson

Professors Emerita

Dr. Susan Drain

Dr. Chris Ferns

Dr. Reina Green

Dr. David Monaghan

Dr. Peter Schwenger

Dr. Anna Smol

Dr. Martha Westwater

In Memoriam

Dr. John Morgenstern

Prof. Renate Usmiani


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