Peace and Conflict Studies

2025-2026 Academic Year

Undergraduate Academic Calendar information header


TBD – Please contact the office of Dean of Arts & Science at 902-457-6344

Peace and conflict studies is an interdisciplinary program that examines the roots of conflict and the foundations of peace. The program allows for an exploration of the inter-relatedness of such issues as poverty, violence, hunger, discrimination, war and justice, security, peace, freedom and the human community. It involves an examination of options and initiatives in peace-making and conflict resolution. Peace and conflict are studied in various contexts, ranging from the person, the family, school, workplace and the community, to nations and the global forum and from the perspective of various disciplines. Careers exist in education, workplaces, journalism, courts, government, foreign service, international development, non-governmental organizations and corporations that invest overseas.

Students may count courses from a major, concentration and/or minor towards a second major, concentration and/or minor; however, students must complete a minimum of 50 percent of unique courses toward the second major, concentration and/or minor, unless otherwise stated in the Undergraduate Academic Calendar.

To minor in Peace and Conflict Studies students should consult with the Coordinator or any faculty member associated with the program.

To obtain a minor in Peace and Conflict Studies, students must fulfill the following requirements:

❏ PHIL 2202/FSGN 2202

❏ POLS 3324

❏ 2.0 units of Peace and Conflict Studies electives from the list below with no more than 1.0 unit in any single discipline

Peace and Conflict Studies Emphasis Courses

Courses that have been approved as Peace and Conflict Studies electives are listed below. The course descriptions can be found under the departmental listings. Selected courses are available and delivered online.

Applied Human Nutrition
NUTR 3326

BIOL 2213

BUSI 2250

Canadian Studies
CANA 3301/POLS 3301

COMM 3013/PBRL 3013

ECON 2311
ECON 3330

Family Studies and Gerontology
FSGN 3410

HIST 2219/POLS 2219
HIST 3337

PHIL 2209
PHIL 2214/POLS 2214
PHIL 2229/RELS 2229
PHIL 3312/POLS 3312

Political Studies
POLS 2214/PHIL 2214
POLS 2219/HIST 2219
POLS 2224
POLS 2227
POLS 2244
POLS 3301/CANA 3301
POLS 3308
POLS 3312/PHIL 3312
POLS 3334
POLS 3344
POLS 3351/WOMS 3351
POLS 3391/WOMS 3391
POLS 3531/SOAN 3531

PSYC 2208
PSYC 3309

Public Relations
PBRL 3013/COMM 3013

Religious Studies
RELS 2229/PHIL 2229
RELS 3311

SOAN 3371/WOMS 3371
SOAN 3531/POLS 3531
SOAN 3532
SOAN 3533
SOAN 3541

Women’s Studies
WOMS 3351/POLS 3351
WOMS 3371/SOAN 3371
WOMS 3391/POLS 3391

Directed Study, Special Topic, Senior Seminar

There are in addition a number of directed study courses, special topics and senior seminars available for students pursuing peace and conflict studies. Students must consult with the Coordinator or their advisor to determine which special topic and senior courses are available in any given year. These specially tailored courses may include PHIL 3373, PHIL 3374, PSYC 3330, PSYC 3331, FSGN 4480, POLS 4006, POLS 4007/CANA 4007, WOMS 3301 and others.

Academic Note: This web-based calendar information is applicable for the 2025-2026 academic year which runs from September 1, 2025 to August 31, 2026.

For information on previous years, please consult the University Academic Calendars web page.

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