2025-2026 Academic Year
Note: All courses listed below have a professional studies classification only, unless cross-listed with an arts and science discipline.
CHYS 1110
Introduction to Child and Youth Study 0.5 unit
An introduction to child and youth study. Students will be introduced to academic study of children and youth, including issues and approaches related to early childhood education, child and youth care, and its associated occupations. Emphasis will be on understanding the scope and nature of this discipline.
CHYS 1120
Essentials of Child and Youth Care Practice 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study)
An examination of the essential elements of professional practice in the field of child and youth care. Students will examine the concept of professionalism as it applies to child and youth care practice together with a number of specific professional skills including observations skills, interpersonal communication, problem-solving, documentation and report writing.
CHYS 1130
Theoretical Frameworks in Child and Youth Study 0.5 unit
An introduction to the theoretical and curriculum frameworks and approaches that influence philosophy and practice in child and youth study. Topics include the origins, issues, and underpinnings of theoretical and curriculum frameworks, current debates, and individual, cultural and family influences that guide philosophy and curriculum perspectives.
CHYS 2201
Individuals with Diverse Capacities and Their Families 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of 5.0 units of university credit including CHYS 1110
A critical exploration of current social, educational, ethical, and political issues including disability models (medical, social, cultural and critical). It also provides an overview of disabilities. Students will consider their future roles, and the roles of others, in the provision of services, advocacy and support that promote a capacity approach. Note: Students who have received credit for CHYS 3301 may not take this course for credit.
CHYS 2204
Observation and Documentation in Child and Youth Study 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): CHYS 1120, PSYC 1120, and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study)
An examination of the philosophy, purpose, methods, techniques and issues of observation and documentation in child and youth study. Topics include ethical practices of observation and documentation; selecting and utilizing appropriate observation and documentation methods; interpreting, applying and communicating information from observations.
CHYS 2208
Early Childhood Education: Principles and Practice 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): CHYS 1110, 1130, PSYC 1120 and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study)
A focus on understanding and enhancing young children’s learning experiences in the early years. In this course students will learn principles, practices, and strategies applicable to the development and implementation of early learning and child care programs including reflective practice, responsive planning, and intentional teaching.
CHYS 2209
Issues of Childhood 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): CHYS 1110, 1130, and PSYC 1120
An examination of contemporary lived experiences of children with an emphasis on the types of strategies, processes or methods that may be used to enhance the provision of their care, learning and development. Note: Students who have received credit for CHYS 2207 may not take this course for credit.
CHYS 2251
Practicum I: Early Childhood Setting 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): CHYS 2208 or 2209 (either may be taken concurrently with CHYS 2251) and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study)
Field experiences in early childhood settings in conjunction with seminars which examine these experiences in relation to theories and methods of working with young children. Placements are completed on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Note: Students may not enrol in any other daytime courses on these days.
CHYS 2601
Early Childhood Education: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): CHYS 1130
An exploration of how a culturally responsive pedagogical approach during the early years can help to support antibias education. Students will explore cultural responsiveness as it relates to Indigenous, African Nova Scotian, Newcomer, Francophone, Acadian, and 2SLGBTQIA+ communities.
CHYS 3305
Animals in the Lives of Children and Youth 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of 10.0 units of university credit
Explores the importance of animals in the lives of children and youth and ways of supporting meaningful relationships between them as well as ensuring animal well-being including examination of Eurowestern assumptions of human superiority and preferences for some animals over others.
CHYS 3311
Methods of Research in Child and Youth Study 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): CHYS 1120, 2204, MATH 2209 and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study)
An introduction to research literacy and diverse methods of research inquiry. Emphasis is placed on understanding research terminology and the fundamentals of research design for the purpose of interpreting research findings and considering their applications to fields of child and youth study. Note: Students who have received credit for CHYS 2211 may not take this course for credit.
CHYS 3314
Play and Development: Infancy through Early Childhood 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): CHYS 2201, 2208, one of CHYS 2251/3351/3352/4451, PSYC 2222 and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study)
An examination of the social, health, and developmental play issues for children from infancy through early childhood. Students examine theoretical understandings of play, major influences affecting play, methods of observing and studying play, and practical approaches for supporting and facilitating play during children’s early years. Note: Students who have received credit for CHYS 3312 may not take this course for credit.
CHYS 3315
Play and Development: Middle Childhood through Adolescence 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): CHYS 3314 and all specific prerequisites as noted for CHYS 3314 and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study)
An examination of the social, health, and developmental issues of play and recreation over middle childhood (eight years) through adolescence. Students examine theoretical understandings, major socio-cultural influences, methods of observation and research, approaches for supporting and facilitating play and recreation for this age range. Note: Students who have received credit for CHYS 3312 may not take this course for credit.
CHYS 3320
Youth Care: Theory and Issues 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of 10.0 units of university credit including CHYS 1110 and CHYS 1130
An orientation to youth care through consideration of theoretical perspectives and models pertaining to youth-at-risk, contemporary issues affecting youth development and behaviour, and professional issues for those working within the youth care community.
CHYS 3323
Supporting Childhood Wellbeing 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of 10 units of university credit
Emphasis on developing student understanding of the scope and nature of wellbeing influences and initiatives across disciplines. Students will learn about childhood wellbeing examined through theory, policy, evidence-based research, supportive interventions and experiential learning experiences.
CHYS 3327/FSGN 3327
Interpersonal Communication Skills 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of 10.0 units of university credit including CHYS 2251 or 3351
The study and practice of basic interpersonal communication skills for the professional.
CHYS 3333
Working with Youth in Alternative Education Contexts 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of 10.0 units of university credit
Examining the socio-political implications of alternative education. A major emphasis is on supporting youth, in community contexts through the use of relevant experiential learning frameworks. This course provides an opportunity to gain significant insights in experiential education processes while building a rowboat alongside community youth.
CHYS 3339
Selected Topics in Child and Youth Study 0.5 unit
CHYS 3340
Selected Topics in Child and Youth Study 0.5 unit
CHYS 3341
Selected Topics in Child and Youth Study 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of 10.0 units of university credit
An examination of selected topics pertaining to children and youth. Topics will vary from year to year. This course does not require specialized knowledge of child and youth study.
CHYS 3351
Practicum II 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of 10.0 units of university credit including CHYS 2201, 2208, 2209 (2209 may be taken concurrently with CHYS 3351), one of CHYS 2251/3352/4451 and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study)
Field experience in settings for children and youth with diverse needs in conjunction with seminars which relate the experiences to theories and methods of working with children and youth with diverse needs. Placements are completed on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Note: Students may not enrol in any other daytime courses on these days. Students who have received credit for CHYS 2252 may not take this course for credit.
CHYS 3352
Practicum III 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of 10.0 units of university credit including CHYS 2201, 2208, 2209, two of CHYS 2251/3351/4451 and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study). Placements in youth/adolescent settings require CHYS 3320; some placements in administration require CHYS 4407. CHYS 3320 and 4407 may be taken concurrently with practicum.
Field experience in a wide range of programs for children, youth and families in conjunction with seminars which examine relevant issues and the relationship between theory and practice. Placements are completed on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Note: Students may not enrol in any other daytime courses on these days.
CHYS 3601
Early Childhood Education: Curriculum Approaches 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): CHYS 2208
A critical exploration of contemporary early childhood education curriculum approaches used in early learning and child care settings.
CHYS 3602
Early Childhood Education: Infant and Toddler Care 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): CHYS 2208
An in-depth examination of the pedagogy of care in infant and toddler early learning and child care environments.
CHYS 3603
Early Childhood Education: Nature and Outdoor Play 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): CHYS 2208
An examination of relationships between humans and nature, with an emphasis on understanding, discussing, and designing natural outdoor play spaces that support children’s learning, development, and well-being.
CHYS 4402
Inclusive Programming for Children, Youth and their Families 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): CHYS 2201 and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study)
An examination of inclusive supports for individuals with diverse capacities. Emphasis will be placed on integrating previous knowledge and experience with individuals with diverse capacities to design and implement programs based on recent equity, accessibility and inclusive research in fields of child and youth study.
CHYS 4407
Program Development and Leadership 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of 10.0 units of university credit including CHYS 1110, two of CHYS 2251/3351/3352/4451, and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study)
Students are involved in examining the theoretical knowledge, leadership roles and management strategies that have to be considered in the initial planning, policy making, organization and evaluation stages of programs for children and youth. A major emphasis is on the translation of theory into practice in order to attain program goals.
CHYS 4416
Cultural Perspectives on Childhood and Youth 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of 10.0 units of university credit including CHYS 1110 or permission of the instructor
An intersectional examination of childhood and youth across socio-cultural, political and historical contexts. Attention is focused on social identities, relations of power, patterns of inequity, and cross-cultural understanding to inform enhanced practice, research and social policy.
CHYS 4419
Directed Study 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of 10.0 units of university credit including CHYS 3311, with at least a GPA of 3.0 in the last 5.0 units and written permission of the faculty supervisor
In-depth study on a specific topic relating to individual interests or career intentions in the child and youth area. May take the form of directed readings and/or research projects, under the supervision of the faculty member.
CHYS 4420
Professional Knowledge and Skills for Youth Care 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): two of CHYS 2251/3351/3352/4451, CHYS 3320 and all specific prerequisites as noted for CHYS 3320 and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study)
An examination of the essential components in care and treatment environments for youth and adolescents. Students will examine treatment interventions and programming for troubled adolescents and the professional role of the child and youth care workers in a variety of contexts.
CHYS 4421
Emerging Research Topics in Child and Youth Study 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of 10.0 units of university credit including CHYS 3311 or equivalent, MATH 2209 and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study)
Provides students with opportunities to engage in critical evaluation and application of emerging research in the fields of child and youth study.
CHYS 4422
Early Intervention: Theory and Practice 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of 10.0 units of university credit including CHYS 2201, PSYC 2222, and two of CHYS 2251/3351/3352/4451, and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study)
An examination of current research, trends and issues in the field of early intervention i.e., services for children with diagnosed delay aged 0-6 years. The major emphasis will be on the integration of theory and practice, program delivery and professional developmental interventionist competencies.
CHYS 4423
Psychosocial Care of Children, Youth and Families in Health Care Settings 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of 10.0 units of university credit including CHYS 3314 and 3315, and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study). CHYS 3315 may be taken concurrently
An overview of theory, research and practice related to the care of children, youth and families in health care settings, with particular emphasis on child life professional practice. Content related to assessment, intervention and professional responsibility will be emphasized.
CHYS 4424
Early Childhood Education: Pedagogical Documentation 0.5 unit
Prerequisites(s):Completion of CHYS 2204 and CHYS 2208
An exploration of the principles and practices related to the pedagogical documentation of young children’s thinking, theories, ideas, and experiences in early learning settings. Note: Students who have received credit for CHYS 4601 may not take this course for credit.
CHYS 4429
Special Topics in Child and Youth Study 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of 10.0 units of university credit including CHYS 3311 and PSYC 2222 or approval of the department
An opportunity for advanced students to examine in-depth selected topics in child and youth study. Topics will vary from year to year. The course will allow students to focus on a specialized area of the field that may be treated more briefly in other courses.
CHYS 4451
Practicum IV 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of 15.0 units of university credit including PSYC 2222 and CHYS 3352 and all specific prerequisites for placements as noted for CHYS 3352 and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study)
This practicum provides an opportunity for students to gain experience in a wide range of services for children, youth and families related to their interests and future goals. Requirements of each placement are developed individually with the placement and supervisor. Placements are completed on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Note: Students may not enrol in any other daytime courses on these days.
CHYS 4499
Honours Thesis 1.0 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission to the honours program
Students complete a research project on a topic of interest to them, related to the field of child and youth study, under faculty supervision. Sample projects include interviews, surveys, media studies, literature reviews, policy analyses, and observation studies. The outcome will normally be an oral presentation and a written thesis.
Academic Note: This web-based calendar information is applicable for the 2025-2026 academic year which runs from September 1, 2025 to August 31, 2026.
For information on previous years, please consult the University Academic Calendars web page.
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