Program Requirements

2025-2026 Academic Year

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Tracy Moniz, BA (Hons) (University of Toronto, MA (University of Western Ontario), PhD (York University/Ryerson University), Associate Professor

Admission Requirements

Review sections 2.1.4 Admission Requirements and 2.1.6 Additional Admission Requirements.

Students may count courses from a major, concentration and/or minor towards a second major, concentration and/or minor; however, students must complete a minimum of 50 percent of unique courses toward the second major, concentration and/or minor, unless otherwise stated in the Undergraduate Academic Calendar.

The degree with a major is intended for those students with a clearly focused interest who wish to gain knowledge in depth of a single discipline.

Students intending to complete the major degree must declare their intention to do so before they register for their sixth unit of coursework. Students who do not make this declaration within this time frame will not be permitted to register for further coursework.

The Mount also offers a limited enrollment internship option.

Students must successfully complete 20.0 units with the following requirements:

❏ 8.0 in the major as follows:

  • COMM 1015 0.5 unit
  • COMM 2013/PBRL 2013 0.5 unit
  • COMM 2025 0.5 unit
  • COMM 2211/PBRL 2211 0.5 unit
  • COMM 2101 0.5 unit
  • COMM 3013/PBRL 3013 0.5 unit
  • COMM 3102 0.5 unit
  • COMM 4013 0.5 unit
  • COMM 4200 0.5 unit
  • LIBR 2100 0.5 unit
  • PHIL 2229 0.5 unit
  • POLS 2203 0.5 unit
  • WRIT 1120 0.5 unit
  • CULS 1101 or WOMS 2231 0.5 unit
  • 1.0 unit of Modern Language (in the same language)
  • a minimum overall GPA of 2.0 in the required 8.0 units

❏ a minor consisting of 3.0 units as specified by the department offering the minor. Students must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the required 3.0 units
❏ 1.0 unit from each core group A, B, and C listed under Bachelor of Arts (General Studies) (exclusive of the major):

  • Core A – Sciences & Mathematics (1.0 unit)
  • Core B – Social Sciences (1.0 unit)
  • Core C – Humanities (1.0 unit)

❏ at least 9.0 units must be at the 2000 level or above
❏ at least 3.0 units must be at the 3000 level or above
Note: No more than 4.0 units from professional areas may be counted toward the degree. Courses included in the Applied Human Nutrition Science Minor will not be counted as professional electives.

The combined major degree is intended for those students who wish to gain in-depth knowledge of two disciplines. Students must declare a major or combined major before registering for their sixth unit of coursework. Students who do not make this declaration within this time frame will not be permitted to register for further coursework.

The Mount also offers a limited enrollment internship option.

Students must successfully complete 20.0 units. In order to complete a combined major in Communication, the following requirements must be met:

❏ a minimum of 6.0 units and a maximum of 8.0 units in the Communication combined major as follows:

  • COMM 2211/PBRL 2211, COMM 2013/PBRL 2013, COMM 3013/PBRL 3013, and COMM 4200
  • 2.0 additional units of COMM at the 2000-level or above
  • 2.0 additional units of COMM at the 3000-level or above

❏ a second combined major specified by another program (Biology, Canadian Studies, Chemistry, Cultural Studies, Economics, English, Family Studies, French, Gerontology, History, Mathematics, Political Studies, Psychology, Sociology/Anthropology, Women’s Studies)
❏ a minimum overall GPA of 2.0 in the required 6.0 units of each combined major
❏ at least 5.0 units of the 12.0 units overall required for the combined majors must be at the 3000 level or above
❏ 1.0 unit from each core group A, B, and C listed here (inclusive of the majors):

  • Core A – Sciences & Mathematics (1.0 unit)
  • Core B – Social Sciences (1.0 unit)
  • Core C – Humanities (1.0 unit)

❏ at least 9.0 units of the total 20.0 units must be at the 2000 level or above
Note: No more than 4.0 units from professional areas may be counted toward the degree. Courses included in the Applied Human Nutrition science minor  will not be counted as professional electives.

Students wishing to combine an arts major and a science major (e.g. Chemistry and English or Biology and Political Studies):

❏ must meet all of the requirements listed above
♦ to complete a BSc (Combined Major) primary science discipline plus secondary arts discipline

  •  must complete a minimum 12.0 units of the total  20.0 units in science disciplines

♦ to complete a BA (Combined Major) primary arts  discipline plus secondary science discipline

  •  must complete a minimum 12.0 units of the total  20.0 units in arts disciplines

Minor in Science Communication

A minor in Science Communication is available as a second minor to students enrolled in Majors in the Bachelor of Science degree. It is available as a minor to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science General Studies or students in other programs who have completed 5 units of Core A – Sciences & Mathematics courses as indicated in the Core Group List listed under Bachelor of Arts (General Studies).

To obtain a minor in Science Communication, students must fulfill the following requirements:
❏ COMM 1501 0.5 unit
❏ COMM/PBRL 2013 0.5 unit
❏ COMM 3512/WRIT 3512 0.5 unit

and 1.5 units from the following list:
▸ Courses available without additional prerequisites:
❏ COMM 2016 0.5 unit
❏ COMM 2211/PBRL 2211 0.5 unit
❏ COMM 3013/PBRL 3013 0.5 unit
❏ COMM 3023 0.5 unit
❏ COMM 3024 0.5 unit
❏ COMM 4511 0.5 unit
❏ HIST 2250 0.5 unit
❏ HIST 2251 0.5 unit
❏ PBRL 2012 0.5 unit
❏ WRIT 1120 0.5 unit

▸ Courses that may require additional prerequisites beyond what is required for the minor:
❏ COMM 4500 0.5 unit
❏ COMM 4501 0.5 unit
❏ ENGL 2220/WRIT 2220 0.5 unit
❏ ENGL 3330/WRIT 3330 0.5 unit
❏ ENGL 4405/WRIT 4405 0.5 unit
❏ WRIT 2222 0.5 unit
❏ WRIT 3211 0.5 unit
❏ WRIT 3212 0.5 unit

To obtain a minor in Communication, students must fulfill the following requirements:

❏ COMM/PBRL 2013, PBRL/COMM 2211 and COMM 4013
❏ 1.5 units selected from COMM 1015, COMM 1501, COMM 2101, PBRL/COMM 3013, COMM 3017, COMM 3024, COMM 3102, COMM 4511

To obtain a minor in Communication Technology, students must fulfill the following requirements:

❏ COMM 1015, 2025 and COMM 3023
❏ 1.5 units selected from COMM 2016, 3017, 3024, 4025, CMPS 2263/INTE 2263

Academic Note: This web-based calendar information is applicable for the 2025-2026 academic year which runs from September 01, 2025 to August 31, 2026.

For information on previous years, please consult the University Academic Calendars web page.

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