Interested in Graduate School?
Our full-time research faculty (Drs. Awde, Borgal, Franz-Odendaal, Kernaghan and Qaderi) can supervise students doing MSc (and PhD) degrees through other institutions (e.g. Saint Mary’s University and Dalhousie University). Please explore our research areas from the Faculty page as well as other links to our research webpages. Arrange to meet with us to discuss opportunities within our individual research groups.
Financial information: Supervising a graduate student requires a financial commitment from the supervisor, and as such our capacity to accept graduate students fluctuates depending on our grant funding levels. Post-graduate scholarship opportunities may be available. Note that these applications are typically due in the Fall of the preceding year (e.g. in October-December for a start in the following September), therefore it is important to begin these conversations with your potential supervisor early.