Graduate Academic Calendar Header

GSLL 6200
Introduction to Studies in Lifelong Learning 0.5 unit
An introduction to the important conceptual frameworks and vocabularies of studies in lifelong learning. A consideration of diverse perspectives, essential concepts, key practices and central issues in studies in lifelong learning in order to understand and address the central learning challenges of our times.

GSLL 6201
The Historical Legacy of Studies in Lifelong Learning 0.5 unit
An introduction to the rich historical legacy of studies in lifelong learning.

GSLL 6202
Contemporary Perspectives in the Study of Lifelong Learning 0.5 unit
A consideration of key contemporary contributors to studies in lifelong learning. This course engages students in an in-depth examination of the theories and practices of select contemporary topics in the field.

GSLL 6206
Lifelong Learning Processes 0.5 unit
An exploration of the distinguishing features of lifelong learning processes including an investigation of the ways lifelong learning in adulthood connects to processes of social and cultural reproduction and development. Explores the impact of broader physical, social and cultural contexts on lifelong learning processes.

GSLL 6207
Graduate Seminar in Lifelong Learning 0.5 unit
An advanced exploration of theoretical and research issues related to studies in lifelong learning.

GSLL 6211
Lifelong Learning and Culture 0.5 unit
A consideration of lifelong learning as a cultural practice. The course examines the nature of contemporary post-modern culture and its implications for lifelong learning.

GSLL 6212
Methods for Fostering Lifelong Learning 0.5 unit
An overview of effective processes for fostering lifelong learning. Students examine various perspectives on best practices in lifelong learning contexts while continuing to develop their skills with various teaching and learning methods.

GSLL 6213
Diversity Issues in Lifelong Learning 0.5 unit
A consideration of how and why human societies historically and currently socially construct differences in people’s characteristics (for example, race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, abilities and class) and how these social constructions influence lifelong learning. Students explore ways of developing non-discriminatory lifelong learning practices and social justice.

GSLL 6214
Community Education and Development 0.5 unit
A consideration of the limitations and potentialities of lifelong learning in the community. Students will develop their capacities to enhance learning in the community by engaging in projects within the community itself.

GSLL 6215
Continuing Professional Education 0.5 unit
A consideration of a range of contemporary continuing professional education issues and innovations. In a series of practical exercises, students develop expertise as continuing professional education instructors and planners. Special attention is paid to the workshop as an important continuing professional education venue.

GSLL 6216
Creating the Educative Workplace 0.5 unit
An overview of the contemporary reorganization of work and an investigation of the implications for lifelong learning in the workplace.

GSLL 6217
Lifelong Learning in Post-Secondary Institutions 0.5 unit
A consideration of lifelong learning in post-secondary institutions, with a focus on vocational colleges, community colleges, and universities. An examination of issues in post-secondary education such as the impact of new technologies, the purpose and mission of the post-secondary institution, staff development, and community participation.

GSLL 6218
Lifelong Learning in International Contexts 0.5 unit
A consideration of the major learning opportunities and challenges faced by theorists and practitioners in studies of lifelong learning in international contexts and an examination of selected exemplary lifelong learning projects in various regions of the world.

GSLL 6219
Lifespan Development 0.5 unit
A consideration of human development as it transpires throughout the lifespan. This course examines the particular learning challenges that confront adults at different stages and transition points in the lifespan. Particular attention is paid to women’s developmental process.

GSLL 6220
Policy Issues in Lifelong Learning 0.5 unit
An overview of the analytical frameworks for the study of policy as it impacts lifelong learning and an examination of selected policy issues (for example, training and retraining the Canadian labour force, literacy, higher education).

GSLL 6221
Designing Contexts for Lifelong Learning 0.5 unit
A survey of several models (humanist, technical, critical) for designing contexts to support the lifelong learning of adults in a variety of settings. Particular attention is paid to the ways lifelong learning contexts are the outcome of complex and ongoing processes of negotiation.

GSLL 6222
Social Issues and Lifelong Learning 0.5 unit
A consideration of the ways lifelong learning is inextricably bound up with the social issues any society faces at any point in time. An examination of selected social issues confronting Canadians such as unemployment and retraining, technology, eco-degradation, racism, etc. for their implications for lifelong learning and educational practice.

GSLL 6223
Feminists Perspectives in Lifelong Learning 0.5 unit
This course explores a range of feminist theories and research in relation to lifelong learning.

GSLL 6256
Special Topics in Lifelong Learning 0.5 unit
GSLL 6257
Special Topics in Lifelong Learning 0.5 unit
GSLL 6258
Special Topics in Lifelong Learning 1.0 unit
An opportunity to study in greater depth a topic in studies in lifelong learning that is treated more briefly in another graduate course or a related topic that is not covered in another graduate course.

GSLL 6290
Practicum in Studies in Lifelong Learning 1.0 unit
An application for learning within an experiential context where students can develop skills and test theories. In consultation with the instructor, students develop and implement an appropriate practicum placement. Each practicum involves a complex learning environment requiring intensive engagement and interaction. Students commit approximately 150 hours to their practicum. Graded Pass/Fail/NCR

GSLL 6299
Lifelong Learning Project 0.5 unit
Involves students researching a topic of their choice, in consultation with the instructor, in lifelong learning. Theorizing from the literature, students will prepare a substantive scholarly paper/presentation, while independently consulting with the instructor and developing and revising their work throughout the term. NOTE: Normally the project course will be completed toward the end of the degree. Graded Pass/Fail/NCR.


Academic Note: This web-based calendar information is applicable for the 2025-2026 academic year which runs from September 01, 2025 to August 31, 2026.

For information on previous years, please consult the University Academic Calendars web page.

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