Catherine Baillie Abidi, PhD

Children’s Rights. Children, Peace and Security. Violence Prevention and Transformation. Forced Migration.  gender. Youth Engagement. Participatory Social Action. Profile

Carmel French, PhD – Professor Emeritus (Retired)

Children with Challenging Needs and Their Families. Assessment Issues and Measures. Early Intervention. Children’s Rights. Inclusive Education. Policy Development and Evaluation. Profile

Taylor Hansen, MA(CYS)

Childism, Children’s Rights, Space created for and by young people (the tensions), Research as Resistance, Decolonizing research and Arts-based research. Profile

Rebeca Heringer, PhD

Coming Soon!

Jamie Leach, PhD

Children’s Play, Early Childhood Curriculum and Pedagogy, Family Relationships, Observation and Documentation, and Research Methods. Profile

Jessie-Lee McIsaac, PhD

Early childhood development, health and well-being; School-based health promotion and healthy living; Social determinants of health, Early childhood and educational policy; Engaged scholarship and research collaborations; Qualitative and participatory research methods and knowledge mobilization. Profile

Christine McLean, PhD

Play and Play-based learning. Pedagogical Documentation. Reflective Practice and Professional Learning. Emerging Language and Literacy. Early Learning and Child Care Programming, Policy Development and Evaluation. Early Learning Frameworks. Child Care Advocacy. Profile

Jennifer Miller, M.Ed (Literacy)

Practicum Coordinator.  Profile

Fernando Nunes, PhD

Academic Underachievement. At-Risk Minority Youth. Immigrant Settlement and Integration Services. Critical Pedagogy. Participatory Research. Needs and Their Families. Profile

Sarah Reddington, PhD

Inclusive education, capacity approaches to learning, children and youth’s rights and advocacy, differentiated curriculum, visual and arts-based methods, Universal Design for Learning, and critical approaches to child and youth study. Profile

Brooke Richardson, PhD

Corporatization of childcare in Canada, the political positioning of childcare in contemporary welfare states, reconceptualizing and reasserting care in early childhood education, feminist possibilities for early childhood educators and reimagining child welfare systems through an feminist ethics of care lens. Profile

Shane Theunissen, PhD

Cross-cultural education, community development, as well as teaching marginalized youth in alternative education contexts. Profile

Joan Turner, PhD (Retired)

Child Life Professional Practice Issues. Professional Development. Children’s Concepts of Health and Illness. Effects of Illness and Hospitalization on Children and Families. Profile

Donna Varga, PhD

Cultural Ideas about Early Childhood Education. History and Philosophy of Early Childhood Education. Popular Culture for/about Childhood and Adolescence. Representations of Childhood in Children’s Stories. Animal-Human Interrelationships. Play in Childhood. Profile