Dr. Bernadette V. Russo (mixed Indigenous ancestry and Sicilian)
Assistant Professor
Email: bernadette.russo@msvu.ca
BS from Northern Arizona University: major Criminal Justice, minor Anthropology
MA from Sam Houston State University: English; additional 30 hours in Criminal Justice
PhD from Texas Tech University: English, concentration Indigenous Literatures and Film
Graduate Certificate from Texas Tech University: Women and Gender Studies
Research and Teaching
Indigenous literatures and film of North America, social justice issues, women and gender studies, environmental justice, rhetoric and linguistics of survivance, decolonizing practices, Postcolonial theory, queer theory, and intergenerational trauma, healing, and resilience
Selected Publications
Journal Articles and Edited Collections
Book proposal, Chasing the Anishinaabe Cannibal Spirit: Two Tropes, University of New Mexico Press, submitted for review November 15, 2020.
“Deconstructing the Master’s House with His Own Tools: Code Switching and Double-Voiced Discourse as Agency in Gerald Vizenor’s The Heirs of Columbus,” Studies in American Indian Literatures, Volume 29, Issue 4, 2017, pp. 58-75.
“Shackles of a Distant Self and the Damning Complicit,” Madness, Women and the Power of Art and Forgiveness, edited by Frances Davies and Laura Gonzalez, Oxford, Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2013, pp. 181-196.
Co-Editor for e-book Beyond These Walls: Confronting Madness in Society, Literature, and Art, Probing the Boundaries Series, Oxford Inter-Disciplinary 2013. http://www.inter-disciplinary.net/probing-the-boundaries/
Book Reviews
Critical Indigenous Studies: Engagements in First World Locations edited by Aileen Moreton-Robinson in American Indian Quarterly Volume 43, Issue 2, 2019, pp. 244-247.
Other Country: Barry Lopez and the Community of Artists by James Perrin Warren in Archivation Exploration, (Sowell Collection). Volume 2, Issue 1, 2017, online access. https://archivationexploration-ojs-ttu.tdl.org/archivationexploration/index.php/ae/article/view/93/226
Shaping America: The Supreme Court and American Society by Edward Mannino in the Journal of American Culture, Volume 35, Issue 4, 2012, pp. 381-382.
Selected Conference Presentations
Paper Presentation: “Transmoting the Boundaries of Time and Space, History and Place: Stephen Graham Jones’s Mongrels, Mapping the Interior, and The Only Good Indians as Ecogothic Deep Maps and Spatial Narratives,” 2021 Canadian Association of American Literature Conference, October 22nd -24th, 2021 (virtual).
Paper Presentation: “No Happy Endings Here: Stephen Graham Jones, Choice, and Legacy,” 55th Western Literature Association Conference, October 21st-24th 2020 (virtual).
Paper Presentation: “Sites of Resistance: Visual and Aural Palimpsests in Danis Goulet’s Wakening (2013) and Jeff Barnaby’s File Under Miscellaneous (2010),” Native American Literature Symposium: Many Voices, One Center Conference, April 2nd-4th 2020. This conference was canceled for 2020 due to COVID-19 precautions.
Paper Presentation: “Deep Mapping and Spatial Narratives of Legacy, Survivance, and the Gothic: Stephen Graham Jones’s The Fast Red Road, Mongrels, and Mapping the Interior,” Western Literature Association 54th Annual Conference, September 18th-21st 2019.
Panel Organizer and Presenter: “Spanning the Gamut: Stephen Graham Jones,” American Literature Association National Conference, May 23rd-26th 2019. Paper Presentation: “Chasing the Wendigo: The Fast Red Road and Mapping the Interior.”
Paper Presentation: “The Use of Deep Mapping and Spatial Narrative in Stephen Graham Jones’s Mapping the Interior,” American Literature Association Symposia, November 1st-3rd 2018.
Panel Organizer, Chair, and Presenter: “Monstrously Breaking Boundaries: Subversion and Survivance in the Works of Stephen Graham Jones,” Western Literature Association 53rd Annual Conference, October 24th -27th 2018. Paper Presentation: “Wendigo and Survivance in The Fast Red Road.”
Panel Organizer, Chair, and Presenter: “Othering the Border: Alienation and Empowerment,”Southwest Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association 39th Annual Conference, February 7th-10th 2018. Paper Presentation: “‘Curiouser and Curiouser!’: Othering, Imperial Discourse, and the Border in Down the Rabbit Hole.”
Panel Organizer, Chair, and Presenter: “Monstrosity and the Grotesque in the Writings of Stephen Graham Jones,” Western Literature Association 52nd Annual Conference, October 25th-28th 2017. Paper Presentation: “Grotesque Realism and the Carnivalesque as Survivance in The Fast Red Road.”
Panel Organizer, Co-Chair, Presenter: “Urbanscapes, Native Minds,” 73rd Annual South Central Modern Language Association Conference, November 3rd-5th 2016. Paper Presentation: “A Cultural Resurgence through Adaptation: Wakening.”
Paper Presentation: “Wakening: A Film of Resurgence and Survivance,” 73rd Annual South Central Modern Language Association Conference, November 3rd-5th 2016.
Paper Presentation: “Deconstructing the Master’s House with His Own Tools: Code Switching and Double-Voiced Discourse as Agency in Gerald Vizenor’s The Heirs of Columbus,” Western Literature Association 51st Annual Conference, September 21st -24th 2016.
Paper Presentation: “Invocations of Eve: Re-Imaginings of Paradise Lost in Blood Meridian,”American Literature Symposia: Frontiers and Borders in American Literature, February 25th-27th 2016.
Paper Presentation: “Shackles of a Distant Self and the Damning Complicit,” Making Sense of:Madness Inter-Disciplinary Conference, Oxford University, August 30th 2012.