Dr. Susan Walsh
Professor Emerita

E-Mail: scwalsh09@gmail.com

Research Interests

  • Contemplative inquiry, contemplative pedagogy, mindfulness, embodied and relational ways of being and knowing
  • Innovative forms of research (writing as a process of inquiry, poetic inquiry, memory work/collective biography, arts-based research)
  • Teachers who identify as female—their subjectivities and experiences

PhD, University of Alberta

Selected Publications


  • Walsh, S. (2018). Contemplative and artful openings: Researching women and teaching. Routledge.
  • Walsh, S., Bickel, B., & Leggo, C. (Eds.). (2015). Arts-based and contemplative practices in research and teaching: Honoring presence. Routledge. See book trailer at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrmRKxVireQ

Guest Editor, Special Issues of Journals

  • Walsh, S., & Bickel, B. (Eds.) (2018). Special issue of Artizein: Arts and Teaching Journal. An Arts-Based and Contemplative Pause (Part One), 3 (1).  Full issue and individual pieces available at https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/atj/vol3/iss1/
  • Bickel, B., & Walsh, S. (Eds.) (2019). Special issue of Artizein: Arts and Teaching Journal. An Arts-Based and Contemplative Pause (Part Two), 4 (1).  Full issue and individual articles available at https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/atj/vol4/iss1/

Book Chapters

  • Walsh, S (in press). A poetic response to Ashwani Kumar’s book, Curriculum as Meditative Inquiry. In A. Kumar (Ed.), Engaging with meditative inquiry in teaching, learning, and research: Realizing transformative potentials in diverse contexts. Routledge.
  • Walsh, S., & Bai, H. (2018). Writing the cauldron as intersubjective practice. In O. Gunnlaugson, E. Sarath, C. Scott & H. Bai (Eds.), The intersubjective turn: Theoretical approaches to contemplative learning and inquiry across disciplines. State University of New York (SUNY) Press.
  • Wiebe, S., Snowber, C., & Walsh, S. (2017). Curriculum triage: A poetic play upon crisis in schools. In P. Sameshima, C. Leggo, K. James, & A. Fidyk, Poetic Inquiry III: Enchantments of Place. Vernon Press.
  • Walsh, S. (2017). Leaf spinning [digital photograph and text]. In E. Hasbe-Ludt and C. Leggo, Canadian curriculum studies: A métissage of inspiration/imagination/interconnection. Canadian Scholars’ Press.
  • Walsh, S., Bickel, B., & Leggo, C. (2015). Introduction. In S. Walsh, B. Bickel, & C. Leggo (Eds.), Arts-based and contemplative practices in research and teaching: Honoring presence (pp. 1-19). Routledge.
  • Walsh, S. & Bai, H. (2015). Writing witness consciousness. In S. Walsh, B. Bickel, & C. Leggo (Eds.), Arts-based and contemplative practices in research and teaching: Honoring presence (pp. 24-44). Routledge.
  • Mesner, K., Bickel, B., & Walsh, S. (2015). Lectio divina: An invitation to readers. In S. Walsh, B. Bickel, & C. Leggo (Eds.), Arts-based and contemplative practices in research and teaching: Honoring presence (pp. 20-22). Routledge.
  • Gannon, S., Walsh, S., Byers, M., & Rajiva, M. (2014/reprint). Deterritorializing collective biography. In M. Gonick & S. Gannon (Eds.), Becoming girl: Collective biography and the production of girlhood (pp. 59-78). Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc./ Women’s Press.
  • Gonick, M., Walsh, S., & Brown, M. (2014/reprint). Collective biography and the question of difference. In M. Gonick & S. Gannon (Eds.), Becoming girl: Collective biography and the production of girlhood (pp. 41-58). Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc./ Women’s Press.
  • Walsh, S. (2012). What does it mean to problematize language as we teach “English’? In, K. James, T. Dobson, & C. Leggo (Eds.), English in middle and secondary classrooms: Creative and critical advice from Canada’s teacher educators (pp. 48-51). Pearson Education Canada.
  • Walsh, S. (2012). Glimpses of spaciousness at the edge of thought: Musings about meditation, language, and poetic inquiry. In, S. Thomas, A. Cole, S. Stewart (Eds.), The art of poetic inquiry. Backalong Press.
  • Brigham, S., & Walsh, S. (2011). Having voice, being heard, and being silent: Internationally educated teachers’ representations of “immigrant women” in an arts-informed research study. In E. Tastsoglou & P. Jaya, Immigrant women in Atlantic Canada: Challenges, negotiations, re-constructions (pp. 209-234). Women’s Press.
  • Walsh, S. (2003). Experiences of fear and pain in teaching: A collaborative arts-based inquiry. In A. Clarke & G. Erickson (Eds.), Teacher inquiry: Living the research in everyday practice (pp. 164-178). RoutledgeFalmer.

Refereed Journal Articles

  • Walsh, S., & Bickel, B. (2020). The gift of wit(h)nessing transitional moments through a contemplative arts co-inquiry. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 32(2), 137-154. Accessed at https://cjsae.library.dal.ca/index.php/cjsae/article/view/5586
  • Mitchell, J., Phillips, N., Traill, R., Walsh, S., Bickel, B., Bartley, W., & McConachy, M. (2020). A contemplative and artful métissage of inquiry and response. Artizein:Arts and Teaching Journal, 5(1), 49-74. Accessed at https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/atj/vol5/iss1/7/                 

Short video available at: https://vimeo.com/500180160

  • Contemplative Arts Collective. (2020). Begin with letting go: A found poem in honour of Carl Leggo. Artizein: Arts and Teaching Journal, 5 (1), 13-16. Accessed at https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/atj/vol5/iss1/4/
  • Walsh, S., & Bickel, B. (2019). An arts-based and contemplative pause (Part Two). Introduction to Part Two: Creating restorative and caring learning spaces.  Artizein: Arts and Teaching Journal, 4 (1), 6-16. Accessed at https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/atj/vol4/iss1/2/
  • Bickel, B., Walsh, S., & Conrad, D. (2018). An arts-based and contemplative pause (Part One). Introduction to Part One: Sharing radical creative possibilities. Artizein: Arts and Teaching Journal, 3 (1), 6-11. Accessed at https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/atj/vol3/iss1/3/ 
  • Richardson, P., & Walsh, S. (2018). Endless open heart: Collaborative poetry and image as contemplative and restorative practice / Du fond du cœur : Poésie concertée et imagerie pour une pratique contemplative et restauratrice. Canadian Review of Art Education: Research and Issues / Revue Canadienne de Recherches et Enjeux en Education Artistique, 45 (1), 153-164. Accessed at http://crae.mcgill.ca/issue/view/6  DOI:10.26443/crae.v45i1.59
  • Walsh, S. (2018). Being unsettled: Heartful alchemy. In C. Leggo, S. Wiebe, D. Conrad, P. Sameshima, P. Gouzouasis, K. James, S. Walsh, L. Fels, P. Richardson, K. Meyer, E. Hasebe-Ludt, C. Snowber, J. Kentel, & R. Lloyd, Curriculum as playlist: Responses of synopsis and expansion. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 15 (1), 58-105.
  • Jordan, N., Richardson, P., Fisher, M., Bickel, B., & Walsh, S. (2016). Provoking curricula of care: Weaving stories of rupture towards repair. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (JCACS), Special Issue, Canadian Curriculum Studies: A Métissage of Inspiration/Imagination/Interconnection, 14 (1), 33-54.
  • Walsh, S. (2014). Towards teaching with an open heart. Paideusis: Canadian Journal of Philosophy of Education Society. 21 (2), 14-23. Accessed at https://journals.sfu.ca/pie/index.php/pie/issue/view/21
  • Walsh, S., Gonzalez, F., Joy, P., MacAulay, K. (2014). “But are we going to deal with the hard questions?”: Waves of Compassion in Halifax Regional Municipality. Paideusis: Canadian Journal of Philosophy of Education Society, 21 (2), 55-70. Accessed at https://journals.sfu.ca/pie/index.php/pie/issue/view/21
  • Gannon, S., Walsh, S., Byers, M., & Rajiva, M. (2012). Deterritorializing collective biography. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (QSE) (online first version). DOI:10.1080/09518398.2012.737044. Accessed at
  • Walsh, S. (2012). Contemplation, artful writing: Research with internationally educated female teachers. Qualitative Inquiry, 18 (3), 265-276. DOI 10.1177/1077800411431553
  • Gonick, M., Walsh, S., & Brown, M. (2011). Collective biography and the question of difference. Qualitative Inquiry, 17 (8), 741-749. DOI 10.1177/1077800411421118
  • Walsh, S., Brigham, S., & Wang, Y. (2011). Internationally educated female teachers in the neoliberal context: Their labour market and teacher certification experiences in Canada. Teaching and Teacher Education, 27 (3), 657-665. DOI:10.1016/j.tate.2010.11.004
  • Walsh, S. (2008). Listening to difference in the teaching of “English”: Insights from internationally educated teachers. Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education, 15 (4), 397-405.
  • Walsh, S. & Brigham, S. & Members of the Women, Diversity and Teaching Group. (2007). Internationally educated female teachers who have immigrated to Nova Scotia: A research/performance text. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 6 (3), 1-28. Accessed at http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/IJQM/issue/view/34
  • C.O.R.E. (2006). Writing co-respondents: Teacher educators reflect on ‘orienting’ new students. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (JCACS), 4 (2), 2-38. Accessed at https://pi.library.yorku.ca/ojs/index.php/jcacs/issue/view/725/showToc
  • Walsh, S. (2006). An Irigarayan framework and resymbolization in an arts-informed research process. Qualitative Inquiry, 12 (5), 976-993.
  • Counternormativity Discourse Group. (2005). Performing an archive of feeling: Experiences of normalizing structures in teaching and teacher education. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 2 (2), 173-214.
  • Walsh, S. (2004). Being homeless: Female subjectivity and difference. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 2 (1), 113-143. Accessed at https://pi.library.yorku.ca/ojs/index.php/jcacs/issue/view/713/showToc
  • Walsh, S. (2003). being-with, letting go: mindfulness. Educational Insights, 8 (2). Accessed at http://www.ccfi.educ.ubc.ca/publication/insights/v08n02/contextualexplorations/sumara/walsh.html
  • Walsh, S. (2001). Opening the underside of teaching: Tremblings. Crossing Boundaries. 1 (1), 148-163.
  • Walsh, S. (2000). Writing with the dark. Language and Literacy: A Canadian Educational E-Journal 2 (2). Accessed at http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/langandlit/issue/view/1352
  • Walsh, S. (2000). Expectation and teaching: Mirrors, bridges and the space-between. English Quarterly, 32 (1 & 2), 44-48.
  • Walsh, S. (1998). Beyond Natalie Goldberg: A writer/teacher on books about writing. Alberta English, 36 (2), 28-34.
  • Luce-Kapler, R., & Walsh, S. (1996). Holographing the page. JCT: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Curriculum Studies, 12 (2), 19-27.

Mount Saint University Courses Taught


  • GLIT Arts-Based Research
  • GCRD 6356/GFDD 6556/GLIT Inquiry into Contemplative Education
  • GLIT 6727 Literacy Learning I
  • GLIT 6728 Literacy Learning II
  • GLIT 6757 Drama as a Way of Knowing and Being
  • GLIT 6757 Gender and Literacy
  • GLIT 6757 Literacy, The Arts, and Inquiry
  • GEDU 6170 Focus on Research Literacy

Bachelor of Education

  • EDUC 5345 Advanced Curriculum Practice: Secondary Language Arts
  • EDUC 5443 Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary School Language Arts
  • EDUC 5509 Inquiry into Contemplative Education