Dr. Susan M. Brigham
Office: Seton 465
Phone: (902) 457-6733
Fax: (902) 457-4911
E-mail: Susan.Brigham@msvu.ca
Research and Teaching Interests
- Lifelong Learning/Adult Education
- International/Intercultural education
- Immigration/Intergration Issues
- Transformative Learning
- Africentricity in Lifelong Learning
- Critical Race Theory
- Feminism
PhD, University of Alberta
MEd, University of Alberta
BEd, University of New Brunswick
I joined the faculty of education at MSVU in 2004. I began my career teaching school children in Ireland, Kuwait, and in Canada (BC, NB, and AB). Then for eleven years I taught in the Department of Educational Policy Studies at the University of Alberta and for two years taught at Athabasca University in the Masters of Distance Education program. In 2003-2004, I was research associate at the University of Alberta, with a focus on school-to-work transition.
I was educational consultant for the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, as well as the Department of Education, Culture and Sports, Philippine government. I also conducted research on early childhood education for the Research Centre for Education and Innovation, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal. I completed a study on migrant domestic workers in the Philippines and Hong Kong and later in Jamaica, while teaching our graduate program in Kingston, I researched returning domestic workers who had worked illegally in Canada. In 2010-11 during my sabbatical I traveled to St Helena island (South Atlantic Ocean) on board the “RMS St Helena” with my family (via South Africa) to research the life biographies of women who had left the island to work as domestic workers in England in the 1950s. While there I also delved into the archives to research my own Saint Helena heritage.
I have published and presented my research in North America, Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Caribbean on a wide range of topics related to education/lifelong learning and immigration.
Research Grants
External Research Grants
- March 2020. Refugee youth and interrupted schooling: Economic and social implications. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)/ Child and Youth Refugee Research Coalition (CYRRC). S. Brigham (PI), with H. Ramos and community partner: Immigrant Settlement Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS).
- Feb. 2020. Knowledge Mobilization: Sharing refugee experiences and developing teaching materials. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)/ Child and Youth Refugee Research Coalition (CYRRC). S. Brigham (PI)
- Jan. 2020. Feminist aesthetic pedagogies and activist possibilities workshop, pre-conference and outreach (SSHRC Connection Grant). D. Clover (PI). Collaborator.
- June 2019. Illustrating the experiences of immigrant families in Nova Scotia (SSHRC Insight Development Grant). J. McIssac (PI) with co-applicants S. Reddington & R. Spencer.
- Nov 2018. Ubuntu Pedagogy of the Community (UPC): Framework to Engage Elders in Education. PI with Co-applicant Dr G. Frempong. NS Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD), Inter-University Research Network. In Progress.
- Oct 2018. The perceptions and experiences of social integration and inter-family relationships of Arabic speaking refugee youth with experiences of trauma. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)/ Child and Youth Refugee Research Coalition (CYRRC) ($20,000), PI with community partner B. Khatib, Executive Director of The Syrian Canadian Foundation (SCF). In Progress.
- Aug 2018. Culture and Perspectives on a Sexual Assault Policy. Co-applicant with K. Malinen, PI. NS Department of Community Services. In Progress.
- February 2018. African Nova Scotian Dreamkeepers: Culturally Responsive Teaching & Promising Practices. M. Morrison, PI. NS Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD), Inter-University Research Network. In Progress.
- December 2016. NS Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD), Inter-University Research Network. Bridging the Gap: Connecting spirituality and academic achievement for African Nova Scotian students. Co-applicant with K. Munroe Anderson PI. In Progress.
- December 2017. Social Justice in Focus: Participatory Photography and Refugee Youth. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)/ Child and Youth Refugee Research Coalition (CYRRC). Brigham (PI) with community partners: Immigrant Settlement Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS) and Youth Action Connection (YAC). Complete.
- June 2016. Quaker Fostering Justice (QFI). Women and Social Justice for Understorey Magazine, Co-applicant Katherine Barrett. Complete
- April 2016. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Partnership Development Grant. Diversities of resilience: understanding the strategies for success used by underrepresented students in Canadian universities. PI Alyson King. In Progress.
- July 2011. Gender, Migration, Diversity/Immigrant Women Research Domain/ Atlantic Metropolis Centre of Excellence/SSHRC. Refugee Claimants: A Comparative Case Study Analysis of Policies & Practices in Atlantic Canada. Principal Investigator: Susan Brigham (MSVU); Co-Investigators; Evi Tastsoglou (SMU), Elizabeth Lange (St.FX) (with graduate student Catherine Baillie Abidi). In progress.
- April 2008. Gender, Migration, Diversity/Immigrant Women Research Domain/ Atlantic Metropolis Centre of Excellence/SSHRC. Arabic speaking immigrant women in NS: A study of their knowledge, beliefs, perceptions and attitudes towards breast and cervical cancer and screening. Susan Brigham, Principal Investigator. Research completed (with graduate student Maha Abdelrahman Amin). Complete.
- April 2006. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Experiences of female teachers who are immigrants to Atlantic Canada: Implications for Canadian teacher education programs. Principal investigator Susan Walsh, Co- investigator, Susan Brigham. Complete.
- November 2005. Atlantic Metropolis Centre of Excellence. A study of policies and practices affecting immigrant teachers in Canadian teacher education programs: A Pilot Project. Susan Brigham and Susan Walsh, Co-Principal Investigators. Complete.
- November 2004. Atlantic Metropolis Centre of Excellence Research Domain: Gender, Migration, Diversity/Immigrant Women for study entitled Resymbolizing the experiences of immigrant women who have been involved with teaching Susan Walsh and Susan Brigham, Co-Principal Investigators. Complete.
Internal Research Grant
- May, 2015. Mount Saint Vincent University Standard Research Grant for study entitled: Refugees/ immigrants and refugee claimants: Negotiating place and perceptions. Susan Brigham, Principal Investigator. In Progress.
- December 2012 Mount Saint Vincent University Standard Research Grant for study entitled: Refugees Learning and Storytelling through Participatory Photography. Susan Brigham, Principal Investigator. Research in progress.
- April 2005 Mount Saint Vincent University New Scholars Grant for study entitled: The role of education in the lives of Jamaican overseas domestic workers Susan Brigham, Principal Investigator. Complete.
Selected Publications
Selected Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
- Brown, A., McIsaac, J.-L. D., Reddington, S., Hill, T., Brigham, S., Spencer, R., & Mandrona, A. (2020). Newcomer families’ experiences with programs and services to support early childhood development in Canada: A scoping review. Journal of Childhood, Education & Society, 1(2), 182-215. https://doi.org/10.37291/2717638X.20201249
- King, A., McQuarrie, F. & Brigham, S. (2020). Exploring the relationship between student success and participation in extracurricular activities. SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education. DOI: 10.1080/1937156X.2020.1760751
- King, A. & Brigham, S. (2018). Understanding the influence of high school preparation on the success strategies of Canadian university students. In G. Craddock, et al (Eds). Transforming our world through design, diversity and education (pp.503 – 512). Universal Design in Higher Education in Transformation Congress (UDHEIT). Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland.
- Brigham, S., Baillie Abidi, C., & Calatayud, S. (2018). Migrant women learning and teaching through participatory photography. The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 30(2), 101-114.
- Brigham, S., Baillie Abidi, C., and Zhang, Y. (2018). What participatory photography can tell us about immigrant and refugee women’s learning in Atlantic Canada. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 37(7), 1-21.
- Pertrovic, S., Lordly, D., Brigham, S. & Delaney, M. (2015). Learning to listen: An analysis of applying the Listening Guide to reflection papers. International Journal of Qualitative Methods.
- Brigham, S., Baillie Abidi, C., Tastsoglou, E., & Lange, E. (2015). Informal adult learning and emotion work of service providers of refugee claimants. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 29-40.
- Tastsoglou, E., Baillie Abidi, C., Brigham, S., & Lange, E. (2014). (En)Gendering vulnerability: Immigrant service providers’ perceptions of needs, policies and practices related to gender and women refugee claimants in Atlantic Canada. Refuge 30 (2), 67-78.
- Brigham, S. (2011). Internationally educated female teachers’ transformative lifelong learning experiences: Rethinking the immigrant experience through an arts-informed group process. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 17 (2), 55-79.
- Brigham, S. (2011). Braided stories and bricolaged symbols: Critical reflection and Transformative Learning Theory for Teachers. McGill Journal of Education, 46 (1), 41-54.
- Walsh, S., Brigham, S. & Wang, Y. (2011). Internationally educated female teachers in the neoliberal context: Their labour market and teacher certification experiences in Canada. Teaching and Teacher Education 27, 657-665.
- Parris, S. & Brigham, S. (2010). Exploring cultural worldviews through African Canadians’ lifelong learning experiences: Lessons for post secondary institutions. The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations, 10 (4), 207-216.
- Brigham, S. & Baillie Abidi, C. (2009). International Female Migration to Atlantic Canada through Internet Mediated Match-Making Agencies. Atlantis: A Women’s Study Journal 34 (1), 159-168.
- Mwebi, B & Brigham, S. (2009). Preparing North American Pre-Service Teachers for Global Perspectives: An International Teaching Practicum Experience in Africa. Alberta Journal of Education 55 (3), 415-428.
- Brigham, S & Walsh, S. (2008). Representations of “Immigrant Women” Teachers in Nova Scotia. In T. Murphy & J. de Finney (Eds.) Our Diverse Cities: Atlantic Region, Spring (5), 155-159. Metropolis. Available at: http://canada.metropolis.net/publications/index_e.htm
- Walsh, S & Brigham, S, with members of the Women, Diversity, and Teaching Group (2007). Internationally educated female teachers who have immigrated to Nova Scotia: A research/performance text. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 6 (3), 1-28.
- CORE*. (2006). Writing co-respondents: Teacher educators reflect on ‘orienting’ new students. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (JCACS), 4 (2), 21-39. [*CORE (Collaborating on Research in Education) consists of the following people named in alphabetical order: Susan Brigham, Michelle Forrest, Valda Leighteizer, and Susan Walsh.]
- Brigham, S & Taylor, A. (2006). Youth Apprenticeship Programs for Aboriginal Youth in Canada: Smoothing the path from school to work? Canadian Journal of Native Education, 29 (2), 165 – 181.
- Taylor, Al & Brigham, S. (2006). ‘Growing health(y) workers: Reversing the education-jobs optic.’ Canadian Public Policy, 32 (3), 259- 269.
- Brigham, Susan. (1999). “Nonformal Education for Transformation: The role of Migrant Women NGOs in the Philippines”. International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction. 1 (1), 23-44.
Refugee Exhibit
Book Chapters
- Brigham, S., Bonner, C. & Parris, S. (submitted for publication, May, 2020). The African-Nova Scotian Community. In Eichler, M., Green, R., & Moniz, T. (Eds.). Community Stories of War and Peace. Halifax, NS: Nimbus.
- King, A., Ammar, N. & Brigham, S. (in review). The intricate nature of 21st century students: Exploring intersectionality and persistence among immigrant students at Canadian universities. In M. Reardon & J. Leonard (Eds), A Place Called Home: School-University-Community Collaboration and the Immigrant Educational Experience. Information Age Publishing.
- Brigham, S. (2021). Africentric approaches in Adult Education: A single tree cannot make a forest. In S. Brigham, K. Jubas & R. McGray (Eds.). Adult education and lifelong learning in Canada. Toronto: Thompson.
- Brigham, S., Jubas, K. & McGray, R. (2021). Introduction. In S. Brigham, K. Jubas & R. McGray (Eds.). Adult education and lifelong learning in Canada. Toronto: Thompson.
- Brigham, S. (2020). Using Participatory Photography with Marginalised Populations. In D. Clover, S. Dzulkifli, H. Gelderman, & K. Sanford (Eds.). A Feminist Adult Educator’s Guide to Aesthetic, creative and disruptive strategies in museums and community. (pp. 274-283). An initiative of Gender Justice, Creative Pedagogies and Arts-Based Research, University of Victoria. Available at: https://onlineacademiccommunity.uvic.ca/comarts/
- Brigham, S. & Kharbach, M. (2020). Ethical Issues in a Participatory Photography Research Project Involving Youth with Refugee Experience. In S. Dodd (Ed.) Ethics and Integrity in Visual Research Methods (Advances in Research Ethics and Integrity, Vol. 5). (pp. 153-170). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/S2398-601820200000005014
- Brigham, S., & Mwebi, B. M. (2018). Transformative learning in an international teaching practicum in Kenya. In D. C. Young, W. L. Kraglund-Gauthier, & T. G. Ryan. (Eds.), Readiness for the field: Perspectives from within the triangle of teacher education. Champaign, IL: Common Ground.
- Brigham, S. (2016). Unauthorized migrant workers: (L)Earning a life in Canada. In Robert Mizzi, Sue Shore, & Tonette Rocco (Eds.) Lives on the Periphery: Politics, Practicalities and Possibilities in a Changing World. New York: Routledge.
- Brigham, S. & Parris, S. (2015). Black women’s Africentric and feminist leadership: Voices from Nova Scotia. In D. Clover, S. Butterwick & L. Collins (Eds.) Women, Adult Education, and Leadership in Canada (pp. 73-83). Toronto: Thompson.
- Brigham, S. (2015). Mothering has no borders: The transnational kinship networks of undocumented Jamaican domestic workers in Canada. In G. C. Man, & R. Cohen (Eds.), Engendering transnational voices: Studies in family, work, and identity (pp.135-153). Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier Press.
- Brigham, S. (2013).Filipino Overseas Domestic Workers: Contradictions, resistance and implications for change. In R. Brickner (Ed.) Migration, Globalization and the State (pp. 101-124). Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK: Palgrave.
- Brigham, S. (2013). Theorizing Race in Adult Education: Critical Race Theory. In T. Nesbit, S. Brigham, N. Taber & T. Gibb (Eds.) Building on critical traditions: Adult education and learning in Canada. (pp. 119-128). Toronto: Thompson.
- Brigham, S., Taber, N., Gibb, T., & Nesbit, T. (The Editors). (2013). The continuing imperative of Canadian Adult Education and Learning. In T. Nesbit, S. Brigham, N. Taber, & T. Gibb (Eds.), Building on critical traditions: Adult education and learning in Canada (pp. 355-360). Toronto: Thompson.
- Brigham, S., & Baillie Abidi, C. (2012). International female migration to Atlantic Canada through mediated match-making agencies. In D. Naugler (Ed.), Canadian perspectives of sexuality studies. Toronto, ON: Oxford University Press
- Brigham, S. & Walsh, S. (2011). Having Voice, Being Heard, and Being Silent: Internationally Educated Teachers’ Representations of “Immigrant Women” in an Arts-Informed Research Study in Nova Scotia. (pp. 209-234) In E. Tastsoglou & P. S. Jaya (Eds.) Immigrant Women in Atlantic Canada: Challenges, negotiations and re-constructions. Canadian Scholars/Women’s Press.
- Brigham, S & Gouthro, P (2006). Cross-cultural teaching and research in adult education. In Fenwick, T., Nesbit, T. & Spencer, B. (Eds.) Contexts of Adult Education: Canadian Perspectives. Toronto: Thompson.
- Brigham, S. (2002). “Democracy or Hypocrisy?: Migrant workers in Canadian Multicultural Society”. (pp. 125 – 141). In S. Puttagunta. A. Richardson & A. Halvorsen (Eds.), The Canadian Multicultural Experience: Theories, myths and realities. Edmonton: ICRN Press.
- Brigham, S. (1998). “The True Asian Tigers: Female Filipino Youth Migrants”. In A. Richardson (Ed.), International Multiculturalism 1998: Preparing Together for the 21st Century (pp. 521-533). Edmonton: Kanata Learning Company, Ltd.
- Brigham, S. (1998). “Ignore Him at Your Own Risk: The Relevance of Gandhi’s Teachings for Classrooms Today”. In A. Richardson (Ed.), Childhood and Youth: A Universal Odyssey (pp. 79-90). Edmonton: Kanata Learning Company, Ltd.
Book Launch
- Brigham, S., McGray, R. & Jubas, K., (Eds.). (2021). Adult education and lifelong learning in Canada: Critical Legacy. Toronto: Thompson.
- T. Nesbit, S. Brigham, N. Taber & T. Gibb (Eds.). (2013). Building on Critical Traditions: Adult Education and Learning in Canada. Toronto: Thompson.
- Bernard, D. & Brigham, S. (Eds.) (2012). Theorizing Africentricity in Action: Who We Are is What We See. Halifax: Fernwood.
- Brigham, Susan & Castillo, Emma. (1998). Philippine Education for the 21st Century: The 1998 Philippines Education Sector Study. Manila: Asian Development Bank.
MEd Graduates 2009
- GEDU 9002/EDUC 8023 Methodological Perspectives on Educational Research (Inter-university Doctoral program in Educational Studies)
- GEDU 9005/EDUC 8053 Advanced Research Seminar: Focus on Methods (Inter-university Doctoral program in Educational Studies)
- GSLL 6213 Diversity issues in Lifelong Learning
- GSLL 6207 Graduate Seminar in Lifelong Learning
- GEDU 6140 Graduate Project seminar
- GSLL 6200 Introduction to Studies in Lifelong Learning
- GSLL 6218 International Contexts of Lifelong Learning
- GSLL 6290/ GAED 6290 Practicum Lifelong Learning
- GSLL 6201/GAED 6201 Historical Legacy Lifelong Learning
- GAED 6202 Contemporary Issues in Adult Education
- GAED 6203 Research Perspectives in Adult Education
Bachelor of Education
- EDUC 5392
Promised Land Photo
Doctoral Supervisor
- Rejean Willis, Understanding strategies African Nova Scotians dealing with grief and coping with loss to get to a place of healing. (Inter-University Doctoral Program in Educational Studies, MSVU, Acadia and St FX) In progress
- Martin Morrison, Culturally responsive curriculum for African Nova Scotian learners. (Inter-University Doctoral Program in Educational Studies, MSVU, Acadia and St FX) (Candidate, ABD) In progress
- Yanery Navarro Vigil, Examining refugees and other minorities’ settlement processes and experiences through transnational and transcultural lenses: The common variable that gives cohesion to a common identity amongst refugees. (Inter-University Doctoral Program in Educational Studies, MSVU, Acadia and St FX) (on leave)
- Hattie-Longmire, Brenda (2018). The Role of Spirituality and/or Religion for LGBQ Individuals Negotiating Homonegative Beliefs and Values in Coming Out. (Inter-University Doctoral Program in Educational Studies, MSVU, Acadia and St FX) Complete
- Munroe Anderson, Késa (2018). Spirituality in education for African Nova Scotian learners. (Inter-University Doctoral Program in Educational Studies, MSVU, Acadia and St FX) Complete
Doctoral External Examiner
- Sawkins, Tanis. (December, 2020). Faculty of Education (Simon Fraser University)
- Fankah-Arthur, Hilda. Candidacy. (Oct. 2020). Faculty of Education (University of Alberta)
- Liu, Jingzhou. (April, 2020). Faculty of Education (University of Calgary)
- Beveridge, Lynda. (April, 2020). Faculty of Education (Simon Fraser University)
- Que, Hua (Dec. 2019). Faculty of Education (Memorial University)
- McFadyen, Krista (Sept. 2018). Department of Education (University of Alberta)
- Zhu, Yidan (Sept. 2017). Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (University of Toronto)
- Machuk, Yvonne (Aug. 2016).Werklund School of Education (University of Calgary)
- Cooper, John (July 2016). Werklund School of Education (University of Calgary)
- Ratkovic, Snezana (2014). Department of Graduate Studies in Education (Brock University)
Master Thesis Supervision
- Meuse, Holly (2019). The role of Mi’kmaq arts in fostered cultural identity. MSVU, Master of Arts in Education, Lifelong Learning.
- Darlene Lawrence, Activism in the Class Action Lawsuit for children who experienced abuse at The Home for Coloured Children. MSVU, Master of Arts in Education, Lifelong Learning.
- Yuhui Zhang, Exploring the decisions of Chinese International Students who stay in Halifax, NS. MSVU, Master of Arts in Education, Lifelong Learning.
- Randy Headley, The learning experiences of members of the Africentric support group at a small urban-based Nova Scotian university. MSVU, Master of Arts in Education, Lifelong Learning.
- Margaret Ann Bruhier, From prison to liberation: Afrocentric rehabilitative programs for male inmates of African descent in Nova Scotia. MSVU, Master of Arts in Education, Lifelong Learning. In Progress
- Robert Leek (2016). Eating the forbidden fruit: Inter-racial marriages. MSVU, Master of Arts in Education, Lifelong Learning. Complete
- Holly Meuse, The role of Mi’kmaq arts in fostered cultural identity. MSVU, Master of Arts in Education, Lifelong Learning. In Progress
- Folami Jones, The historical role of midwives in African Nova Scotian communities. MSVU, Master of Arts in Education, Lifelong Learning. In Progress
- Denise Young, What is the impact of family on one’s lifelong learning experiences and life choices? MSVU, Master of Arts in Education, Lifelong Learning. In Progress
- Ayo Aladejebi. (2015). Journey to fostering and preserving cultural identity: Are there any roads leading to the Black church? A case study of three Black churches in Nova Scotia. MSVU, Master of Arts in Education, Lifelong Learning. Complete.
- Asna Adhami. (2015). In the spirit of inclusive reflection: Reflections of a cultural expeditionist: Reflections of a cultural expeditionist. MSVU, Master of Arts in Education, Lifelong Learning. Complete – Winner of the 2015 MSVU Thesis Award.
- Kwesi Yeboa, The Panthers Are Coming: A Play that seeks to analyze the Impact of the 1968 Black Panthers’ Visit to Halifax on African Nova Scotian Activism for Social Justice and Equality. MSVU, Masters of Arts in Education, Lifelong Learning. Complete – Winner of the 2014 MSVU Thesis Award)
- Corrie Melanson, Towards a Radical Racialized Adult Education Discourse. MSVU, Masters of Arts in Education, Lifelong Learning. (Complete)
- Sylvia Parris. (2010). Nova Scotia Provincial School Boards and Effective Structures for Race Relations, Cross Cultural Understanding and Human Rights Policy Implementation: The Nuanced Dance. MSVU, Masters of Arts in Education, Lifelong Learning. Completed
- Momoko Migita. (2009). Gender free education in Japan. MSVU/SMU, Masters of Arts in Women’s Studies.
- Maha Abdelrhman Amin. (2008). Knowledge, belief and attitudes towards breast and cervical cancer and cancer screening among Arab speaking immigrant women in Halifax. MSVU, Masters of Arts in Education, Adult Education.
- Barbara Schneider. (2007). Adult second language learning strategies. MSVU, Masters of Arts in Education, Adult Education.
- Jia Zhu. (2007). A cross-cultural learning case study: Comprehending Chinese international students’ learning approaches at Canadian universities. MSVU, Masters of Arts in Education, Lifelong Learning.
- Nisreen Alkhasawneh. (2006). Educational experiences of immigrant women of racial minority groups in the Nova Scotian post-secondary contexts. MSVU, Masters of Arts in Education, Adult Education.
Dr. Brigham, Dr. Plumb and Dr. Gouthro