To learn more about our team members, click on the tabs below.
Breakfast and Beyond Program – Our Team
Dr. Bohdan Luhovyy, PhD, Team Supervisor
Dr. Bohdan Luhovyy is an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Human Nutrition of Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. His research is focused on the development of functional food products and the health effects of food products and ingredients. Since 2011, Dr. Luhovyy has served on the Board of Directors of the Breakfast Program Association of Fairview, which serves three school breakfast programs in the Fairview area in Halifax. For more information about Dr. Luhovyy, click here.
Dr. Priya Kathirvel, PhD, Team Manager
Dr. Kathirvel is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Applied Human Nutrition at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Her research interests include food chemistry and analysis, food product development, human nutrition and physiology. Dr. Kathirvel collaborates with various industry partners in the development of novel food products. For more information about Dr. Kathirvel, click here.

Dr. Shannan Grant, PDt/RD, PhD, Team Supervisor
Dr. Shannan Grant is an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Human Nutrition at Mount Saint Vincent University. As a Scientist and Registered Dietitian, Dr. Grant is interested in evaluation of nutrition education/communication, from both the perspective of the patient/client and the educator. Drawing from classical behaviour change and education theory, she leads development, implementation, and assessment of dietary interventions. She is particularly interested in how we can use nutrition education to prevent and treat chronic disease and to motivate children and youth to engage with science and their community. She is well known for her collaborative (“we versus me”), student-centered approach, and passion for working with children and youth. Involved with the Fairview Breakfast Program since 2015, Dr. Grant was enthusiastic to increase her involvement through the Breakfast and Beyond Program. For more information about Dr. Grant, click here.
Antonia Harvey, PDt/RD, BASc, MSc, Team Manager
Antonia is a part-time lab instructor in the Department of Applied Human Nutrition at Mount Saint Vincent University. As a Registered Dietitian, she is passionate about the evaluation of nutrition education, prevention and management of chronic disease, and acute and critical care nutrition interventions. In addition to her role with the Breakfast and Beyond team, she is also a Clinical Dietitian with Nova Scotia Health.
Food Development Team
Emily MacEachern, BScAHN, MSc candidate
Emily is a student in the Master of Science in Applied Human Nutrition program at Mount Saint Vincent University. She has experience in food product development and conducting food sensory studies. She has also volunteered with the Breakfast Program Association of Fairview. Emily is currently working on developing recipes that adhere to The Food and Nutrition Policy for Nova Scotia Public Schools.
Jade Farquharson, BScAHN candidate, Chef
Originally from the Bahamas, Jade is an international student in the Bachelor of Science in Applied Human Nutrition program at Mount Saint Vincent University. She holds a culinary degree from the Culinary Institute of Canada, which she completed in Prince Edward Island, and has experience working in several fine dining restaurants. For the past two years, Jade has volunteered with the Breakfast Program Association of Fairview. Jade is currently working on developing recipes that adhere to The Food and Nutrition Policy for Nova Scotia Public Schools.
As part of her role with the program, Jade has also starred in two cooking videos that highlight Bahamian-inspired recipes.
Knowledge Translation/ Education Team
Lia Chin-Yet, BScAHN, Assistant Manager, Food Stylist, Videographer
Lia is a student in the Bachelor of Science in Applied Human Nutrition program at Mount Saint Vincent University. Her interest in nutrition and health, particularly nutrition are policy, advocacy, and community and public health, led her from a career in Business and Accounting to the Nutrition program. Lia has also volunteered with the Breakfast Program Association of Fairview. As a member of the Breakfast and Beyond team, she uses her creativity and multimedia skills to create videos, infographics, and photography content.
Annika McDowell, BScAHN, BHSc, MHSc candidate, Quality Assurance Supervisor
Annika is a student in the Master of Health Science in Nutrition Communication program at Ryerson University. She was the Volunteer Coordinator for the Breakfast Program Association of Fairview for the 2018/2019 academic year. Her time spent interacting with teachers, students, volunteers, and community organizations deepened her interest in communication, public health, and school food nutrition policy, and inspired her to pursue graduate studies in this area. As a member of the Breakfast and Beyond team, Annika contributes to the development of education materials and assists with website management and quality control activities.
Rachel Waugh, BScAHN, MSc candidate, PDt candidate, Food Demonstration Assistant, Quality Assurance Supervisor
Rachel is a student in the Master of Science in Applied Human Nutrition at Mount Saint Vincent University. She has previous experience with video and media production/editing and has always had a passion for trying new foods and recipes. These interests are what led her to her role with the Breakfast and Beyond Program. As part of her role, Rachel contributes to the development of education materials and stars in cooking videos.
Daniel Nunes, BScAHN candidate/ Dietetic Intern
Daniel is a student in the Bachelor of Science in Applied Human Nutrition program at Mount Saint Vincent University. His pursuit of a career in food and nutrition is rooted in his interest in the impact of the social determinants of health on individuals’ food intake. He recently completed a directed study, which was integrated into the Breakfast and Beyond Program, under the supervision of Dr. Grant. As part of the directed study, he developed a toasted cheese sandwich recipe and video to contribute Portuguese and Brazilian heritage to program content.
Raashsni Chandrasekar, BScAHN candidate
Raashsni Chandrasekar is a Bachelor of Science in Applied Human Nutrition student at Mount Saint Vincent University. She is originally from Malaysia and has been living in Canada for five years. She believes that food is an essential part of the culture and has always been interested in connecting culture, diet, and health. This passion of hers led her to diabetes research, and she is interested in exploring the link between culture and outcomes in the management of diabetes. In her free time, she enjoys making different recipes. As part of the Breakfast and Beyond Program, Raashsni stars in cooking videos.
James Frederick, BScAHN candidate
James is a mature student in his last year of his Bachelor of Science in Applied Human Nutrition program at Mount Saint Vincent University. He was the volunteer coordinator for the Breakfast Program Association of Fairview (BPAF) for the 2020/2021 academic year and has been a volunteer with the BPAF for four years. James is interested in child and adolescent nutrition and would like to see a federally funded breakfast and lunch program. Under Dr. Luhovyy, James is working on a food sensory study involving foods developed for Breakfast and Beyond.
Aki Aakarsh Jerath, BScAHN candidate
Aki is a student in the Bachelor of Science in Applied Human Nutrition program at Mount Saint Vincent University. He is originally from India and has travelled to over 15 countries to experience different cultures and learn more about food and nutrition. He volunteered with shelter and refugee organizations for 8 years before coming to Canada. He fundraised every 6 months and provided food packages to the shelters and children in street situations in India from 2009-2017. He believes that food is a basic human right and all human beings should have access to it. This passion of his has led him to pursue dietetics so he could learn more about addressing everyone’s needs and achieving food justice. He has worked with the Breakfast and Beyond Program to develop education materials on the Indian DASH Diet.
Megan Henderson, BScAHN candidate, Dietetic Intern
Megan is a student in the Bachelor of Science in Applied Human Nutrition program at Mount Saint Vincent University. After completing her Bachelor of Science, she hopes to pursue a Master’s of Applied Human Nutrition to further develop her knowledge and skills as a nutrition professional. Her areas of interest include eating disorder care, body-positive approaches to practice, nutrition care for older adults, and nutritional management of chronic diseases. She worked with the Breakfast and Beyond Program in the Summer of 2022 and assisted with education material development, including recipe cards.
Dr. Phillip Joy, PDt/RD, PhD, Recipe Photographer
Dr. Phillip Joy is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Human Nutrition at Mount Saint Vincent University. Dr. Joy’s research uses arts-based methodologies including photography and comics to evoke the emotions, the senses, the creativity, and the bodies of participants. His main areas of research include: 1) LGBTQ+ nutrition, body image, and health, 2) Community advocacy and social disruption and, 3) Pedagogy, curriculum, and training. Dr. Joy assists with food photography for the Breakfast and Beyond Program. For more information about Dr. Joy, click here.
Matthew Stones, Videographer, Quarry Video Productions
Matthew Stones is a Halifax-based filmmaker, editor, camera operator, and the owner of Quarry Video Productions. Matthew frequently works with fellow filmmaker Charles Currie on creative projects and documentary films. Their most recent collaboration, “Distinction Earned – Cape Breton’s Boxing Golden Era”, screened at the Halifax Sports Hall of Fame in 2019. The documentary later appeared on Eastlink’s Documentary Sunday series in March of 2020. In his spare time, Matthew is a podcaster and enjoys participating in the competitive board game community.
Charles Currie, Videographer, Quarry Video Productions
Charles Currie is a filmmaker and educational technologist based in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. His film work primarily focuses on the documentary form exploring regional history and identity. By sharing local stories, he strives to educate and inspire viewers. In addition to his videographer work, he also has over 10 years of experience supporting distributed medical education at Dalhousie University.
Lia Chin-Yet, BScAHN, Assistant Manager, Food Stylist, Videographer
Lia is a student in the Bachelor of Science in Applied Human Nutrition program at Mount Saint Vincent University. Her interest in nutrition and health, particularly nutrition are policy, advocacy, and community and public health, led her from a career in Business and Accounting to the Nutrition program. Lia has also volunteered with the Breakfast Program Association of Fairview. As a member of the Breakfast and Beyond team, she uses her creativity and multimedia skills to create videos, infographics, and photography content.