Faculty Profiles
Professor and Chair
PhD, (Political Science), University of Western Ontario
MA, (Political Science), Acadia University
BACS, Cape Breton University
Dr. Jeffrey J. MacLeod, Professor Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. MacLeod holds a PhD in political science (Western) and his research explores politics, culture and art through arts-based methods of inquiry. Journals in which his work is published include Tolkien Studies, Mythlore, Mallorn (illustrations), The Artifice, The International Journal of the Image, The Canadian Journal of Political Science and the Canadian Parliamentary Review. MacLeod is also an active visual artist (drawing, painting and digital art).
Professor Emeritus – Retired
MA, PhD, (Political Science) University Of Minnesota
BA (Hons), University of New Brunswick
Dr. MacMillan taught courses in the areas of political theory, Canadian politics and Canadian public policy and administration. Dr. MacMillan’s areas of research interest include Canadian Politics, Political Theory and Public Policy. Two of his principle areas of research interest are human rights and democratic theory. He has published a number of articles on issues regarding language rights, language policy and language conflict, culminating in his book, The Practice of Language Rights in Canada, published in 1998 by the University of Toronto Press. This book was short-listed for the prestigious Donner Prize, for the best book in public policy published in that year. He has also conducted research exploring issues in democratic theory and practice, specifically the question of how to enhance citizen engagement in public decision-making. He has completed two projects on citizen engagement in Nova Scotia regarding the Heritage Planning public consultation and a project on the Natural Resource Strategy citizen consultation in Nova Scotia.
Dr. MacMillan taught courses in the areas of political theory, Canadian politics and Canadian public policy and administration. Some of his regular course offerings included Democracy and Deliberation, Social and Political Justice, Human Rights: Theory and Practice, and Public Affairs and Policy Management.
Dr. MacMillan’s areas of research interest include Canadian Politics, Political Theory and Public Policy. Two of his principle areas of research interest are human rights and democratic theory. He has published a number of articles on issues regarding language rights, language policy and language conflict, culminating in his book, The Practice of Language Rights in Canada, published in 1998 by the University of Toronto Press. This book was short-listed for the prestigious Donner Prize, for the best book in public policy published in that year. His current research explores issues in democratic theory and practice, specifically the question of how to enhance citizen engagement in public decision-making. He has completed two projects on citizen engagement in Nova Scotia regarding the Heritage Planning public consultation and a project on the Natural Resource Strategy citizen consultation in Nova Scotia.
Selected Publications:
– “Canadian Public Opinion on Official Bilingualism: Ambivalent Consensus and its Limits.” International Journal of Canadian Studies 59 (2020): 29-49.
-“Auditing Citizen Engagement in Heritage Planning: The Views of Citizens.” Canadian Public Administration. 53 (2010): 87-106.
-“Active Conscience or Administrative Vanguard?: The Commissioner of Official Languages as an Agent of Change” Canadian Public Administration 49 (2, 2006): 161-179.
-“Judicial Activism or Restraint?: The Role of the Highest Courts in Language Policy in Canada and the United States.” American Review of Canadian Studies. 33 (2, 2003): 239-260. (with R. Tatalovich)
-“Federal Language Policy in Canada and the Québec Challenge” in Pierre Larrivee, ed., Linguistic Conflict and Language Laws: Understanding the Québec Question (Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan Publishers, 2002): 87-117.
-“Democratic Rights and the Public Service: Political Neutrality Versus the Charter.” Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 9 (1989): 183-209. (with J. Leslie H. Brown)
-“Social Versus Political Rights: A Distinction without a Difference?” Canadian Journal of Political Science. 19 (June, 1986): 283-304.
BA (Toronto), MA (Sussex), PhD (Dalhousie)
Phone: 457-6472
Office: McCain Centre 208A
@MeredithRalston (Twitter)
Dr. Ralston has been a member of the Department of Women’s Studies since 1993 and is cross-appointed with the Department of Political & Canadian Studies. Also a documentary filmmaker, Dr. Ralston’s documentary, Hope in Heaven narrated by Kiefer Sutherland, examined the lucrative and exploitative sex tourism industry in the Philippines. Her most recent documentary, Selling Sex, follows a currently working escort whose mission is to educate others about the value of sex work and eliminating stigma.
In her new book, Slut-Shaming, Whorephobia, and the Unfinished Sexual Revolution, Ralston examines the common denominators between the #MeToo movement, the myths of rape culture, and the pleasure gap between men and women to reveal the ways that sexually liberated women threaten the traditional patriarchy. Weaving in history, pop culture, philosophy, interviews with sex workers, and anecdotes, Ralston shows how women will achieve sexual equality only when the sexual double standard and good girl/bad girl binary are eliminated and women viewed by society as “whores” are destigmatized. Illustrating how women’s sexuality is policed by both men and women, she argues that women must be allowed the same personal autonomy as men: the freedom to make sexual decisions for themselves, to obtain orgasm equality, and to insist on their own sexual pleasure. Dispelling the myth that all sex workers are victims and all clients are violent, the book calls out Western society’s hypocrisy about sex and shows how stigma and the marginalization of sex workers harms all women.
Ph.D. – York University (political science)
M.A. –York University (political science)
B.A. – Huron University, Western (political science)
Tammy Findlay grew up in London, Ontario. She came to Halifax from Vancouver, British Columbia, where she did a post-doctoral fellowship in the College for Interdisciplinary Studies’ Human Early Learning Partnership at UBC. Before joining the faculty at the Mount, Dr. Findlay taught at York University, Trent University, and the University of Western Ontario in political science, women’s studies, social science and Canadian studies. She has also worked as a policy researcher for a national social policy organization.
Dr. Findlay teaches the Canadian Studies core courses, as well as courses in Political Studies and Women’s Studies.
Professor Findlay’s research interests are in the areas of Canadian politics, gender and politics, gender and public policy, intersectionality, social policy, child care, community engagement, multilevel governance, and women’s representation. Dr. Findlay values interdisciplinary and community-based research that fosters social change, and has been involved in a variety of university and community service.
She is currently working on several projects:
1) Changing Public Engagement from the Ground (the Halifax section of Engendering Public Engagement, Democratizing Public Space)
2) Child Care and Intersectionality: Building Social Policy Solidarity
3) Kids In Communities Study (KICS), a collaboration with Australian researchers
Dr. Findlay has a new book coming out this year: Jacquetta Newman, Linda White, and Tammy Findlay. Women, Politics and Public Policy: The Political Struggles of Canadian Women, 3rd Ed., Oxford University Press: https://global.oup.com/academic/product/women-politics-and-public-policy-9780199025527?type=listing&lang=en&cc=in
Dr. Findlay’s other book, Femocratic Administration: Gender, Governance and Democracy in Ontario, is now available from the University of Toronto Press:
Other Selected Publications:
Alana Cattapan, Alexandra Dobrowolsky, Tammy Findlay and April Mandrona. “Power, Privilege, and Policymaking: Reflections on “Changing Public Engagement from the Ground Up.” Creating Spaces of Engagement, Leah Levac and Sarah Wiebe, ed., University of Toronto Press. Forthcoming.
Tammy Findlay. “Revisiting GBA/GBA+: Innovations and Interventions.” Canadian Public Administration. 62 no. 3 (Sept. 2019).
Tammy Findlay. “Feminist Community-Based Research in Public Policy.” Politics, Groups, and Identities. Special Issue on Socially Engaged Research in Political Science. (June 2019).
Tammy Findlay. “Gendering State: Women and Public Policy in Ontario.” In Divided Province: Ontario Politics in the Age of Neoliberalism. Greg Albo and Bryan M. Evans, eds. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018. pp. 212-246.
Rachel Robinson, Tammy Findlay, and Geoffrey Woolcock. “Helping Communities Improve Child Development Outcomes: The Importance of Governance in the Kids in Communities Study (KiCS).” Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. (Sept. 2018).
Tammy Findlay. “Femocratic Administration and the Politics of Transformation.” In From the Streets to the State: Changing the World by Taking Power. Paul Gray, Ed. SUNY Press, 2018.
Tammy Findlay. “Gendering Canadian Public Administration.” In Handbook of Canadian Public Administration, 3rd Edition. Christopher Dunn, Ed. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Tammy Findlay and Deborah Stienstra. “Intersectionality in Austere Times: Boundary-Crossing Conversations.” Atlantis. 38 no. 1.(June 2017). pp. 150-153. http://journals.msvu.ca/index.php/atlantis/article/view/5393/150-153%20PDF
Tammy Findlay. “Nurturing Social Movement Instersectionality: Childcare Advocacy in Canada.” In Caring for Children: Social Movements and Public Policy in Canada. Rachel Langford, Susan Prentice and Patrizia Albanese, Eds. Vancouver, UBC Press, 2017. pp. 208-231.
Tammy Findlay and Mary-Dan Johnston. “Who Does What in Public Services?” Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women. August 31, 2017. http://www.criaw-icref.ca/images/userfiles/files/Public%20Services%20-%20Who%20Does%20What.pdf
Tammy Findlay and Charlotte Kiddell. “Ten Reasons Why Universality is Important in Public Services.” Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women. March 20, 2017. http://www.criaw-icref.ca/images/userfiles/files/UniversalityFINAL.pdf
Tammy Findlay, “Child Care and the Harper Agenda: Transforming Canada’s Social Policy Regime,” Canadian Review of Social Policy. 71 no. 1. (Spring 2015). pp. 1-20.
Tammy Findlay with Stella Lord. “A New Economy Needs Child Care.” Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Nova Scotia. April 2015. https://www.policyalternatives.ca/sites/default/files/
Tammy Findlay. “Social Capital and Local Governance Regimes: Early Childhood Development Roundtables in British Columbia.” The Innovation Journal. 19 no. 1. (2014).
Tammy Findlay. “Femocratic Childcare.” In The New Politics of Critical Social Work. Mel Gray, and Stephen A. Webb, Eds., Palgrave, 2013. pp. 174-194.
Tammy Findlay. “Democratizing Intergovernmental Accountability Regimes: Community Engagement and Public Reporting in Early Learning and Child Care in Canada.” In Overpromising and Underperforming? Understanding and Evaluating New Intergovernmental Accountability Regimes. Peter Graefe, Julie Simmons, and Linda White, Eds. University of Toronto Press, 2013. pp. 75-101.
Tammy Findlay and Lynell Anderson. “Does Public Reporting Measure Up? Federalism, Accountability and Child Care Policy in Canada.” Canadian Public Administration. 53 no. 3. (September 2010). pp. 417 – 438.
Lynell Anderson and Tammy Findlay. Making the Connections: Using Public Reporting to Track the Progress on Child Care Services in Canada. Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada (CCAAC). October 2007. Access at: https://ccaacacpsge.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/mtc_finalreport_en1.pdf
Tammy Findlay. “Getting Our Act Together: Gender, Globalization, and the State.” Socialism and Democracy. 18 no. 1 (January-June 2004). pp. 43-83.
Kimberly Earles and Tammy Findlay. Renewing Democracy: Rethinking Representation in Canada. Law Commission of Canada. July 2003.
Tammy Findlay. “Resisting ‘Tongue-Twister’ Language: In Search of a Practical Feminism.” In Community and the World: Participating in Social Change. Torry D. Dickinson, Ed. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2003. pp. 129-138.
Professor Emeritus – Deceased
PhD, University of Florida
BA, MA, University of British Columbia
Dr. Reg Stuart is from Vancouver, B.C., and taught at universities in Prince Edward Island and elsewhere in Canada before he came to MSVU as Dean of Arts and Science in 1988. Since then he has taught aspects of American History and Politics, with a focus on Canadian-American Relations, Comparative North American Politics, and Canadian Foreign Policy. He won awards at the University of P.E.I., various research grants from each university and from Canadian and American granting agencies. In 2004 he held a Canada-U.S. Fulbright Fellowship at the Canada Institute, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C.
Dr. Stuart has written, spoken and published widely on his various research projects and current affairs for academic and private audiences, local and national radio and television programs, and newspapers. He has travelled in Canada, the United States and parts of Western Europe on academic, research and sabbatical work.
His books include United States Expansionism and British North America, 1775-1781 (1988; 1990 Albert Corey Prize winner); The First Seventy-Five Years (1988); War and American Thought: From the Revolution to the Monroe Doctrine (1982), and The Half-Way Pacifist: Thomas Jefferson’s View of War (1978). His many articles and reviews have appeared in The American Review of Canadian Studies, Diplomatic History, Canadian Journal of History, International History Review. His current book project is Dispersed Linkages: Canadians and North America’s Layered Relationship.
Associate Professor
BS (University of Tehran)
MA, PhD (University of Oregon)
Nargess Kayhani joined the Mount in 1982. Her Diverse areas of research include social responsibility, health economics, and the food industry. She is particularly interested in identifying incidences of unhealthy food productions and their impact on the physical health as well as cost of healthcare in Canada.
Dr. Kayhani studies the effects of public policies in areas such as the environment, gender equality, and the living conditions of Aboriginal Communities in Canada. She is also interested in how budgetary issues affect the health and education of women in Canada, and has been invited to give talks on women’s issues to various associations.
Professor, Co-ordinator of Public Policy Program
Bcomm (Magna Cum Laude)
MA, PhD (Economics), Dalhousie University
James Sawler joined the faculty at Mount Saint Vincent in July 2006. Prior to that, he was an assistant professor at Concordia University and Acadia University.
Dr. Sawler’s research interests include decision-making involving strategic alliances, international competition and merger policy, and the teaching of economics. His recent publications include articles in Managerial and Decision Economics, Canadian Competition Record, and the Journal of Economic Education. He is an associate with the European Union Centre of Excellence at Dalhousie University and serving as a director of the Atlantic Canada Economics Association.
Associate Professor
MA (Political Science), York University
Magistra (Political Science/Russian Language), University of Vienna

Office – McCain Centre 203E
Office telephone number -902-457-6237
Maya Eichler is an Associate Professor in Politics, Economics and Canadian Studies and Women’s Studies at MSVU. She is the director of the Centre for Social Innovation and Community Engagement in Military Affairs (SICEMA) at Mount Saint Vincent University and one of the co-directors of the Canadian Department of National Defence funded international collaborative network Transforming Military Cultures (TMC). From 2014 to 2024, she held the Canada Research Chair in Social Innovation and Community Engagement. Dr. Eichler is interested in social change and citizen engagement in the military and security sphere. Her current research focuses on gender and the armed forces, military sexual violence, military-to-civilian transitions, transforming military cultures, defence policy, and community stories of war and peace. She completed her Ph.D. at York University and held post-doctoral fellowships at the University of Southern California, the Harvard Kennedy School, and the University of Toronto. She was a 2013–2014 Lillian Robinson Scholar at the Simone de Beauvoir Institute at Concordia University.
Dr. Eichler has edited (or co-edited) special issues of Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice, the Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health, and the Canadian Military Journal. She is the author of Militarizing Men: Gender, Conscription, and War in Post-Soviet Russia (Stanford University Press 2012, translated into Russian by Academic Studies Press in 2022). She is the editor of Gender and Private Security in Global Politics (Oxford University Press 2015) and co-editor of Speaking Up: New Voices on War and Peace in Nova Scotia (Nimbus 2022). Her articles have appeared in the International Feminist Journal of Politics, Critical Military Studies, Armed Forces & Society, Études International, Critical Security Studies, Citizenship Studies, Brown Journal of World Affairs, International Journal, Military Behavioral Health, Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health, and the Journal of Family Theory and Review, and other journals. Dr. Eichler was named one of 20 Top Women in Defence by Esprit de Corps Magazine in 2021. Also in 2021, she received the J.E. Hodgetts Award for the finest English article appearing in the journal Canadian Public Administration for her research on military sexual assault cases at the Veterans Review and Appeal Board. She currently serves on the Editorial Boards of the International Feminist Journal of Politics and Review of International Studies.
Dr. Eichler teaches courses in the areas of International Relations and Gender Studies, such as Women, War, and Peace, Gender and International Relations, Canadian Foreign Policy, and a special topics course such as on Critical Military and Veterans Studies and Military Cultures and Social Justice.
Read more about Professor Eichler
For more information, see:
Selected Publications
Eichler, M. Militarizing Men: Gender, Conscription, and War in Post-Soviet Russia. Stanford University Press, 2012. Read the Russian translation.
Edited Volumes:
Eichler, M., R. Green, and T. Moniz, eds. Speaking Up: New Stories on War and Peace in Nova Scotia. Nimbus Publishing, 2022.
Eichler, M., ed. Gender and Private Security in Global Politics. Oxford Studies in Gender and International Relations. Oxford University Press, 2015.
Special Journal Issues:
Eichler, M., T. George, and N. Taber, eds. “Transforming Military Cultures.” Special issue, Canadian Military Journal 23, no. 3 (Summer 2023).
Eichler, M., ed. “Exploring Sex, Gender and Intersectionality in the Health and Well-Being of Military Members, Veterans and their Families.” Special edition, Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health 7, no. s1 (September 2021).
Eichler, M., ed. “Gender and the Canadian Armed Forces.” Special issue, Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice 41, no. 2 (Fall 2020).
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
Davis, K. D., and M. Eichler. “The Case for Change: Reimagining Research to Transform Military Culture.” Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health 10, no. 3 (2024): 153–58. https://doi.org/10.3138/jmvfh-2023-0072.
Eichler, M., and V. Brown. “Getting to the Root of the Problem? Understanding and Changing Canadian Military Culture.” Canadian Military Journal 23, no. 3 (2023): 6–13.
Eichler, M., T. George, and N. Taber. “The Arbour Report and Beyond.” Canadian Military Journal 23, no. 2 (2023): 35–44.
Norris, D., K. Schwartz, M. Eichler, L. Tam-Seto, A. Mahar, K. Smith-Evans, H. Cramm. “A Qualitative Study of the Capabilities of Family Members of Veterans Living with Operational Stress Injuries.” Family Relations 72, no. 5 (2023): 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12801. (10%)
Whelan, J., and M. Eichler. “Breaking Ranks: How Medically Released Canadian Military Veteran Men Understand the PTSD Diagnosis.” Journal of Veterans Studies 8, no. 3 (2022): 25–36. https://doi.org/10.21061/jvs.v8i3.345. (40%)
Eichler, M. “Making Military and Veteran Women (In)Visible: The Continuity of Gendered Experiences in Military-to-Civilian Transition.” Special edition, The Many Faces of Diversity in Military Employment, Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health 8, no. s1 (2022): 36–45. https://doi.org/10.3138/jmvfh-2021-0077.
Eichler, M. “Equity in Military and Veteran Health Research: Why It Is Essential to Integrate a Sex and Gender Lens.” Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health 7, no. s1 (2021): 143–49. https://doi.org/10.3138/jmvfh-2021-0016.
Eichler, M., K. Smith-Evans, L. Spanner, and L. Tam-Seto. “Mind the Gap: Sex, Gender, and Intersectionality in Military-To-Civilian Transitions.” Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health 7, no. s1 (2021): 19–36. https://doi.org/10.3138/jmvfh-2021-0018. (60%)
Eichler, M. “Administrative Tribunals and the Issue of Equity: Military Sexual Assault Survivors at the Veterans Review and Appeal Board.” Canadian Public Administration/Administration publique du Canada 64, no. 2 (2021): 279–300. https://doi.org/10.1111/capa.12410. * Winner of the 2021 J.E. Hodgetts Award for finest English-language article.
Whelan, J., M. Eichler, D. Norris, and D. Landry. “The Politics of Treatment: A Qualitative Study of Canadian Military PTSD Clinicians.” Journal of Veterans Studies 7, no. 1 (2021): 217–31. https://doi.org/10.21061/jvs.v7i1.227. (30%)
Chisholm, A., and M. Eichler. “Reproductions of Global Security: Accounting for the Private Security Household.” International Feminist Journal of Politics 20, no. 4 (2018): 563–82. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616742.2018.1516512.
Norris, D., M. Eichler, H. Cramm, L. Tam-Seto, and K. Smith-Evans. “Operational Stress Injuries and the Mental Health and Well-Being of Veteran Spouses: A Scoping Review.” Journal of Family Theory and Review 10, no. 3 (2018): 657–71. https://doi.org/10.1111/jftr.12283.
Eichler, M., and K. Smith-Evans. “Gender in Veteran Reintegration and Transition: A Scoping Review.” Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health 4, no. 1 (2018): 5–19. https://doi.org/10.3138/jmvfh.2017-0004.
Eichler, M. “L’Opération HONOUR en perspective: la politique changeante du genre dans les Forces armées canadiennes” (“Operation Honour in Perspective: The Shifting Politics of Gender in the Canadian Armed Forces”). Études International 48, no. 1 (2017): 19–36. https://doi.org/10.7202/1042351ar.
Bulmer, S., and M. Eichler. “Unmaking Militarized Masculinity: Veterans and the Project of Military-to-Civilian Transition.” Critical Military Studies 3 (2017), no. 2: 161–81. https://doi.org/10.1080/23337486.2017.1320055.
Eichler, M. “Add Female Veterans and Stir? A Feminist Perspective on Gendering Veterans Research.” Armed Forces & Society 43 (2017), no. 4: 674–94. https://doi.org/10.1177/0095327X16682785.
Eichler, M. “Learning from the Deschamps Report: Why Military and Veteran Researchers Ought to Pay Attention to Gender.” Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health 2, no. 1 (2016): 5–8. https://doi.org/10.3138/jmvfh.3394.
Chapman, K., and M. Eichler. “Engendering Two Solitudes? Media Representations of Women in Combat in Quebec and the Rest of Canada.” International Journal 69, no. 4 (2014): 594–611 2014. https://doi.org/10.1177/0020702014543708.
Eichler, M. “Citizenship and the Contracting out of Military Work: From National Conscription to Globalized Recruitment.” Citizenship Studies 18, no. 6-7 (2014): 600–14. https://doi.org/10.1080/13621025.2013.865904.
Eichler, M. “Gender and the Privatization of Security: Neoliberal Transformation of the Militarized Gender Order.” Critical Studies on Security 1, no. 3 (2013): 311–25. https://doi.org/10.1080/21624887.2013.848107.
Eichler, M. “Russia’s Post-Communist Transformation: A Gendered Analysis of the Chechen Wars.” Special issue, Gender Violence and Hegemonic Projects, International Feminist Journal of Politics 8, no. 4 (2006): 486–511. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616740600945065.
Book Chapters:
Eichler, M. Japanese translation of “Militarized Masculinities in International Relations.” In Men and Masculinities Studies: A Reader, edited by Ryo Hirayama, Fumika Sato, and Ayumu Kaneko. Keiso Shobo, 2023.
Callaghan, W., M. Eichler, and V. Tait. “Beyond Combat: Gender and the Construction of Injury in Military Contexts.” In Preventing and Treating the Invisible Wounds of War: Combat Trauma, Moral Injury, and Psychological Health, edited by J. McDaniel, E. Seamone, and S. Xenakis. Oxford University Press, 2023.
Sarson, L., M. Eichler, H. Smith, and S. Tucker. “Finding a Community in Feminist International Relations Methodology.” In Women, Peace and Security: Feminist Perspectives to International Security Studies, edited by C. Leprince and C. Steer. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021.
Eichler, M. “The Personal is International: Re-Imagining Canadian Foreign Policy from Below.” In Rethinking Canadian Foreign Policy: Reflections on a Field in Transition, edited by B. Bow, and A. Lane. University of British Columbia Press, 2020.
Bulmer, S., and M. Eichler. “Unmaking Militarized Masculinity: Veterans and the Project of Military-to-Civilian Transition.” In Masculinities at the Margins: Beyond the Hegemonic in the Study of Militaries, edited by A. Chisholm, and J. Tidy. Routledge, 2020. (50%)
Eichler, M. “How Gender Became a Defence Issue: A Feminist Perspective on Foreign and Defence Policy in Canada.” In Turbulent Times, Transformational Possibilities? Gender and Politics Today and Tomorrow, edited by A. Dobrowolsky and F. MacDonald. University of Toronto Press, 2020.
Eichler, M., M.-C. Gagnon, and M. Lamothe. “Sexual Violence as a Veterans Issue: The Struggles (and Successes) of Military Sexual Trauma Survivors in Canada.” In Treated like a Liability: Veterans Running Battles with the Government of Canada, edited by D. MacLeod, and H. Leduc. Friesen Press, 2019. (50%)
Whelan, J., and M. Eichler. “Beyond Medicalization: Military Identity and the Military-to-Civilian Transition.” In Treated like a Liability: Veterans Running Battles with the Government of Canada, edited by D. MacLeod, and H. Leduc. Friesen Press, 2019. (50%)
Eichler, M. “Military Sexual Violence in Canada.” In Dis/Consent: Perspectives on Sexual Consent and Sexual Violence, edited by K.A. Malinen. Fernwood Publishing, 2019.
Eichler, M. “Gender and Militarism.” In Routledge Handbook of Gender and Security, edited by C. Gentry, L. Shepherd, and L. Sjoberg. Routledge, 2018.
Basu S., and M. Eichler. “Gender in International Relations: Interdisciplinarity and the Study of Conflict.” In Advancing Interdisciplinary Approaches to International Relations, edited by S. A. Yetiv and P. James. Palgrave, 2017.
Eichler, M. “Private Security and Gender.” In Routledge Handbook of Private Security Studies, edited by A. Leander and R. Abrahamsen. Routledge, 2016.
Eichler, M. “Gender, PMSCs, and the Rescaling of the Politics of Protection: Implications for Feminist Security Studies.” In Gender and Private Force in Global Politics, edited by M. Eichler. Oxford University Press, 2015.
Eichler, M. “Russian Veterans of the Chechen Wars: A Feminist Analysis of Militarized Masculinities.” In Feminist International Relations: Conversations about the Past, Present and Future, edited by J. A. Tickner and L. Sjoberg. Routledge, 2011.
Eichler, M. “Gender and Nation in the Soviet/Russian Transformation.” In Gendering the Nation-State: Canadian and Comparative Perspectives, edited by Y. Abu-Laban. University of British Columbia, 2008.
Other Publications:
Eichler, M., and J. L. Wiebe. “The Art of Discomfort: Engaging in Dialogue on War.” Critical Military Studies 5, no. 1 (2019): 83–8. https://doi.org/10.1080/23337486.2018.1432753.
Eichler, M., and J. L. Wiebe. “The Politics of Poppies.” Understorey Magazine, August 2017. http://understoreymagazine.ca/author/maya-and-jessica/.
Eichler, M. “Militarized Masculinities in International Relations.” Brown Journal of World Affairs 21, no. 1 (2014): 81–93.
Eichler, M. “Women and Combat in Canada: Continuing Tensions Between ‘Difference’ and ‘Equality’.” Critical Studies on Security 1, no. 2 (2013): 257–59. https://doi.org/10.1080/21624887.2013.814855.