Dr. Nicholous Deal
Assistant Professor
Management, Nonprofit Leadership, Strategic Human Resource Management
Office: MCC 405M
Phone: 902 457 6242
Fax: 902 445 2582
Email: Nicholous.Deal@msvu.ca
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 to 10:15am and 1:30 to 2:30pm and by appointment.
Academic: BTh (Northeast Christian College), BBA (Mount Saint Vincent University), MBA (Saint Mary’s University), PhD in Business Administration (Saint Mary’s University)
Professional Designations: CIM (Canadian Institute of Management), CPHR (Chartered Professionals in Human Resources of Nova Scotia), SHRM-CP (Society for Human Resource Management).
Joined the Mount: 2020
Relevant Prior Work Experience:
Faculty of Management, Dalhousie University (2021 – Present)
Faculty of Graduate Studies, Crandall University (2021 – Present)
Department of Organizational Management, Cape Breton University (2019 – Present)
Department of Business & Tourism, Mount Saint Vincent University (2016 – Present)
Department of Communication Studies, Mount Saint Vincent University (2016 – Present)
Department of Management, Saint Mary’s University (2016 – Present)
Halifax West Ecumenical Food Bank Association (2014 – Present)
Finance and Administration, One Church (2011 – Present)
Courses Taught:
Strategic Management, Introduction to Business, Communication & Self-Management Skills, Organizational Behaviour, Business Ethics, Managing Diversity: Gender & Other Issues, Strategic Compensation, Human Resource Management, Labour Relations, International Business Management, Nonprofit Leadership: People Management, Organizational Context in PR, Research Methods of PR, Organizational Communication, Introduction to Social Media, and Employee Relations.
Research Interests:
Management and organizational history; history of management education and development of theory; management theory in Canada; actor-network theory; microhistory; storytelling; critical management studies; critical perspectives on leadership; intersectionality; equality, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility.
Research Grants:
External Research Grants:
Research Assistant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada grant titled:
Reassembling Canadian management knowledge: dispersion, equity, identity and history (2013-2018).
Internal Research Grants:
- Mount Saint Vincent University New Scholars Grant (2023).
- Bernard Kline Memorial Fellowship (2018).
- Harry and Lily Rutte Award for Spirituality and the Workplace Student Paper (2017).
- Saint Mary’s University Graduate Fellowship (2016-2019).
Academic Activities and Publications:
- Deal, N.M., Hartt, C.M., & Mills, A.J. (2024). ANTi-History: Theorization, application, critique and dispersion. Bingley: Emerald.
- Mills, A.J., & Deal, N.M. (Eds.). (2024). A World Scientific encyclopedia of business storytelling: Methodologies and big data analysis of business storytelling (series edited by D.M. Boje). Singapore: World Scientific. https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/13336-vol2
Book Chapters:
- Deal, N.M., & Arseneault, R. (in press). French language as a missing context to the histories of ‘doing’ business education in Canada. In K. S. Williams, A.J. Mills, and H. Weigand (Eds.), Management education in Canada: Historical reflections. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Hartt, C.M., Deal, N.M., & Shaffner, E.C. (in press). From past to present: Tracing the development of Canadian doctoral programs in business. In K. S. Williams, A. J. Mills, and H. Weigand (Eds.), Management education in Canada: Historical reflections. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Bullock, C., Richard, T.J., & Deal, N.M. (2024). Women at the margins: Tales from the agribusiness field in Nova Scotia. In A. J. Mills, and N. M. Deal (Eds.), History and business storytelling (pp. 49-74). Singapore: World Scientific Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1142/9789811273476_0003
- Deal, N.M., & Hartt, C.M. (2024). A ghost in the machine: The historic caste system of Mexico as a durable actor impacting bias. In J. Helms Mills & A. Thurlow (Eds.), A World Scientific encyclopedia of race, ethnicity, and business storytelling: Methodologies and big data analysis of business storytelling (series edited by D.M. Boje) (pp. 159-174). Singapore: World Scientific. https://doi.org/10.1142/9789811273513_0008
- Deal, N.M., Mills A.J., Helms Mills, J., & Durepos, G. (2019). History in the making: Pan American Airways and Wolfgang Langewiesche. In C. Hartt (Ed.), Connecting values to action: Non-corporeal actants and choice (pp. 37-52). Bingly, UK: Emerald. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-78973-307-520191004
Journal Articles:
- Deal, N.M., MacIsaac, M.D., Mills, A.J., & Helms Mills, J. (in press). Recovering the neglected importance of Harry Hopkins’ role in the New Deal: Insights for management and organization studies. Journal of Management History, https://doi.org/10.1108/JMH-09-2019-0057
- Winham, N., Williams. K.S., Jamjoom, L.A., Hendricks, K., Weigand, H., & Deal, N.M. (in press). Creating good knowledge together: Heartful-communal storytelling at the intersection of caregiving and academia. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, https://doi.org/10.1108/EDI-08-2022-0207
- Muldoon, J., Deal, N.M., Smith, D., & Shivanapura Lakshmikanth, G. (2023). The past masters: The impact of the Evolution of Management Thought on history. Journal of Management History, 29(1), 10-28. https://doi.org/10.1108/JMH-10-2021-0057
- Muldoon, J., Novicevic, M.M., Deal, N.M., & Buckley, M. (2023). The singular touchstone: The enduring relevance of The Evolution of Management Thought. Journal of Management History, 29(1), 46-62. https://doi.org/10.1108/JMH-07-2022-0028
- Hendricks, K., Deal, N., Mills, A.J., & Helms Mills, J. (2021). Intersectionality as a matter of time. Management Decision, 59(11), 2567-2582. https://doi.org/10.1108/MD-02-2019-0264
- Richard, T., Deal, N. M., & Mills, A. J. (2021). Damsels in distress: Discourses of entrepreneurship in management textbooks. Industry and Higher Education, 35(4), 281-292. https://doi.org/10.1177/09504222211019311
- Arseneault, R., Deal, N.M., & Helms Mills, J. (2021). Accounting for management and organizational history: strategies and conceptions. Journal of Management History, 27(2), 288-308. https://doi.org/10.1108/JMH-08-2020-0049.
- Deal, N.M., Novicevic, M.M., Mills, A.J., Lugar, C.W., & Roberts, F. (2021). Taking an eventful historic turn down the cultural memory lane. Journal of Management History, 27(1), 61-79. https://doi.org/10.1108/JMH-05-2020-0034
- Doucette, M., & Deal, N.M. (2019). CJAS constructions of Canadian pluralism. The Workplace Review, (April issue), 31-54. https://ftp.stmarys.ca/webfiles/MaryBethDoucetteNicholousDeal.pdf
- Arseneault, R., Deal, N.M., & Mills, A.J. (2019). Reading ‘Canadian’ management in context: development of English and French education. Journal of Management History, 25(2), 180-202. https://doi.org/10.1108/JMH-12-2018-0067
- Deal, N.M., Mills, A.J., & Helms Mills, J. (2018). Amodern and modern warfare in the making of a commercial airline. Management & Organizational History, 13(4), 373-396. https://doi.org/10.1080/17449359.2018.1547647
- Deal, N.M. (2017). Storytelling and sensemaking: A teaching assistant experience. The Workplace Review, (October issue), 19-31. http://library2.smu.ca/xmlui/handle/01/28842?show=full
- Deal, N.M., & Shaffner, E.C. (2015). Reimagining the breadwinner: Masculinity, femininity, and construction of gender roles. The Workplace Review, (October issue), 3-17. http://library2.smu.ca/handle/01/28881
Encyclopedia Entries:
- Deal, N.M. (in press). Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management. In J. Helms Mills, A.J. Mills, K.S. Williams and R. Bendl (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Gender and Management. Cheltenham: Elgar.
- Deal, N.M., & Bernauer, V.S. (in press). Albert J. Mills and Jean Helms Mills. In J. Helms Mills, A.J. Mills, K.S. Williams and R. Bendl (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Gender and Management. Cheltenham: Elgar.
- Bernauer, V.S., & Deal, N.M. (in press). Gender research on airlines. In J. Helms Mills, A.J. Mills, K.S. Williams and R. Bendl (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of Gender and Management. Cheltenham: Elgar.
- Muldoon, J., & Deal, N.M. (in press). Human Relations Movement. In M. Bal (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Organizational Psychology. Cheltenham: Elgar.
- Muldoon, J., & Deal, N.M. (in press). Taylorism. In M. Bal (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Organizational Psychology. Cheltenham: Elgar.
Book Reviews:
- Deal, N.M. (2021). Constructing crisis: Leaders, crises and claims of Urgency, Bert Spector, Cambridge University Press, 2019. Management International/International Management/Gestiòn Internacional, 25(2), 245-248.
Conference Presentations:
- Richard, T. J., Deal, N. M., & Muldoon, J. (2023). Inclusion in entrepreneurship education cases: Beyond the woman protagonist position. Work-in-progress presented at the annual meeting of the Atlantic Schools of Business (Management Education Track), Wolfville, Nova Scotia.
- Deal, N.M., & Arseneault, R. (2023). French language as a missing context in histories of ‘doing’ business education in Canada. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management (Management History Division), Boston, Massachusetts.
- Deal, N. M. (2023). Revealing the potential of microhistory: Amodernism, archival research, and airlines. Accepted for presentation and proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (Business History Division), Toronto, Ontario.
- MacIsaac, M., Deal, N.M., Mills, A.J., & Helms Mills, J. (2023). Where is Harry Hopkins hiding? Recovering insights from the New Deal for management history. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management (Management History Division), Boston, Massachusetts.
- Deal, N.M. (2022). Real-time erosion of historical knowledge and its organizational context: The case of the 9/11 Tribute Museum. Work-in-progress presented at the annual meeting of the Atlantic Schools of Business (Business History Track), Wolfville, Nova Scotia.
- Densmore, Q., Farr, M., Fullerton, S., Vaz, V., Shaffner, E., & Deal, N.M. (2022). Pure evil: Protecting the powerful at USA gymnastics. Dark side case presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management (Critical Management Studies Division), Seattle, Washington. Third-Place Prize for Best Case.
- Muldoon, J., & Deal, N.M. (2022). A game of two-halves: World War II and the institutionalization of human relations in the U.S. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management (Management History Division), Seattle, Washington.
- Arseneault, R., & Deal, N.M. (2022). Pluralizing the history of French management education in Canada. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (Business History Division), Halifax, Nova Scotia.
- Hartt, C. M., & Deal, N.M. (2022). The history of business and management PhD education in Canada. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (Business History Division), Halifax, Nova Scotia.
- Bullock, C., Richard, T.J., & Deal, N.M. (2021). Women at the margins: Tales of agribusiness in Nova Scotia, 1905-2013. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management (Management History Division), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (online).
- Shaffner, E.C., & Deal, N.M. (2020). What is to be done? Re-examining diversity in business cases through intersectional thinking. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management (Critical Management Studies Division), Vancouver, British Columbia (online).
- Deal, N.M., Shaffner, E.C., & Mills, A.J. (2020). History as postmodern? Revisiting the debate across historical organization studies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management (Management History Division), Vancouver, British Columbia (online).
- Deal, N.M., & Hartt, C.M. (2020). A ghost in the machine: The historic caste system of Mexico as a durable actor impacting bias. Paper presented at the annual meting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (Business History Division), St. John’s, Newfoundland (online).
- Richard, T.J., Deal, N.M., & Mills, A.J. (2019). Damsels in distress: Discourses of entrepreneurship in Canadian management textbooks. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Atlantic Schools of Business, Sydney, Nova Scotia.
- Hendricks, K., Deal, N.M., Helms Mills, J., and Mills, A.J. (2019). Intersectionality as a matter of time: The case of British Airways. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management (Management History Division), Boston, Massachusetts.
- Deal, N.M. (2019). ‘Zooming in’ on ANTi-Microhistory: A critical historiography of Air Canada. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (Business History Division), St. Catharine’s, Ontario.
- Hendricks, K., Deal, N.M., Helms Mills, J., and Mills, A. J. (2019). Intersectionality as a matter of time: The case of British Airways. Presented at the Godess Institute, Hanken University, Helsinki, Finland.
- Deal, N.M., Arseneault, R., Mills, A.J., & Helms Mills, J. (2018). Examining the knowledge production processes of business studies in Canada: Atlantic Schools of Business Conference. Presented at the annual meeting of the Atlantic Schools of Business, Moncton, New Brunswick.
- Deal, N.M., Mills A.J., Helms Mills, J., & Durepos, G. (2018). History in the making: Pan American Airways and Wolfgang Langewiesche. Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management (Management History Division), Chicago, Illinois.
- Arseneault, R., Helms Mills, J., & Deal, N.M. (2018). Frameworks, typologies, and praxis: accounting for history in organization studies. Presented at the annual meeting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (Business History Division), Toronto, Ontario.
- Deal, N.M., Mills, A.J., & Helms Mills, J. (2017). Talk and organizing: The multiple histories and narratives of British Airways. Presented at the biannual meeting of the Critical Management Studies Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
- Deal, N.M., & Shaffner, E.C. (2017). Uncovering the invisible: Issues of gender and race in business cases. Presented at the annual meeting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (Management Education Division), Montreal, Quebec.
- Deal, N. M. (2016). An exit in leadership tenure: Making sense of change at the top. Presented at the annual meeting of the International Doctoral Consortium, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Conference Proceedings:
- Hartt, C.M., Deal, N.M., & Shaffner, E.C. (2023). Tracing Canadian doctoral programs. Accepted for proceedings of the Atlantic Schools of Business (Business History Track), Halifax, Nova Scotia. Nominated for Best Paper Award.
- Deal, N.M. (2023). Revealing the potential of microhistory: Amodernism, archival research, and airlines. Accepted for proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (Business History Division), Toronto, Ontario.
- Deal, N.M., & Hartt, C.M. (2020). A ghost in the machine: The historic caste system of Mexico as a durable actor impacting bias. Accepted for proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (Business History Division), St. John’s, Newfoundland (online). Awarded Honourable Mention for Best Paper (Runner-up).
- Deal, N.M., Mills, A.J., & Helms Mills, J. (2018). Amodern and modern warfare in the making of a commercial airline. Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (Business History Division), Toronto, Ontario.
- Deal, N.M. (2017). Exploring the ‘theoretical’ underpinnings of second chair leadership. Proceedings of the International Conference on Leadership and Diversity, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
- Deal, N.M. (2016). Storytelling and sensemaking: A teaching assistant experience. Proceedings of the Atlantic Schools of Business, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
- Deal, N.M., & Shaffner, E.C. (2015). Reimagining the breadwinner: Masculinity, femininity, and construction of gender roles. Proceedings of the Atlantic Schools of Business, Fredericton, New Brunswick.
- Deal, N.M. (2014). Servant leadership: Toward a more meaningful workplace in a conscious paradigm. Proceedings of the Atlantic Schools of Business, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Professional Development Workshops:
- Deal, N.M., & Coller, K.E. (2023). Artificial intelligence in society, universities and business learning and education. Professional development workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Atlantic Schools of Business (all conference event), Halifax, Nova Scotia, September 22, 2023.
- Deal, N.M., & Durepos, G. (2023). Tales of the field: Lessons learned while collecting and interpreting historical data. Professional development workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management (Management History Division), Boston, Massachusetts, August 4, 2023.
- Deal, N.M. (2023). Publishing history in management studies: Challenges of pandemic, rankings, and social media. Professional development workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management (Management History Division), Boston, Massachusetts, August 3, 2023.
- Durepos, G., & Deal, N.M. (2020, June 12-15). History, methodology, and historical organization studies: Lessons learned while collecting and interpreting historical data. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
- Deal, N.M., & Williams, K. S. (2023). Prospecting the future of Atlantic Canadian management education. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Atlantic Schools of Business Conference (Management Education Track), Halifax, Nova Scotia, September 23, 2023.
- Durepos, G., Laroche, M., Prasad, A., McLaren, P., Williams, K.S., Coraiola, D., Thurlow, A., & Deal, N.M. (2023). Meet the editors. Symposium presented at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada annual conference, Toronto, Ontario, June 3, 2023.
- Deal, N.M., Durepos, G., Foster, W.M., Suddaby, R., Coraiola, D., Shaffner, E.C., Williams, K.S., & Price, S.T. (2023). History in Canadian management: Uses of the past, methods, and styles. Symposium presented at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada annual conference, Toronto, Ontario (online), May 30, 2023.
- Williams, K.S., Weigand, H., Chowdhury, S., Weatherbee, T.G., Ward, J., & Deal, N.M. (2022, June 4-7). Management education in Canada: Historical reflections. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
- Thurlow, A., McLaren, P., Deal, N.M., & Durepos, G. (2020, June 12-15). Working with digital archives. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland (online).
- Deal, N.M., Durepos, G., Shaffner, E.C., & Yu, T. (2019, September 27-29). Enacting the Halifax School: Exploring tensions & strategies. Atlantic Schools of Business Annual Conference, Sydney, Nova Scotia.
- Baker, M., Helms Mills, J., Hartt, C.M., Shaffner, E.C., & Deal, N.M. (2018, September 28-30). Setting up for success: A thoughtful discussion on teaching assistants in Canadian academia. Atlantic Schools of Business Annual Conference, Moncton, New Brunswick.
- Carroll, W.R., & Deal, N.M. (2017, June 16-17). Are case studies doing more harm than good? A discussion about perpetuating of gender and race stereotypes and biases. In V. Tabvuma (Chair), Exploring diversity in our teaching and education programs. International Conference on Leadership and Diversity, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
- Carroll, W.R., Deal, N.M., Dye, K., Mills, A.J., & Shaffner, E.C. (2016, October 21-23). Representations of the ‘other’ in business case pedagogy: Observations, issues, and trends. Atlantic Schools of Business Annual Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
- MacMillan, S., Plumb, D., & Deal, N.M. (2014). Teaching in today’s business school: The challenges of diversity, relevance, and engagement. Atlantic Schools of Business Annual Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Learn More about Nicholous Deal