Note: Some of the following courses may only be offered in alternative years.
GSPY 6801
Perspectives on Schooling: Implications for the Role of the School Psychologist 0.5 unit
An introduction to the nature, context and culture of schools; current issues in teaching and learning; current trends in curriculum; underlying assumptions, beliefs and values held in education; and, examination of the implications of schooling on the roles and responsibilities of a school psychologist within the culture of the school. Note: Students who have received credit for GSPY 6800 may not take this course for credit.
GSPY 6816
Advanced Seminar and Practicum in Therapeutic Interventions in Psychological Practice 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): GSPY 6844, 6845 or 6846 or equivalent
A course designed to build on the strategies, techniques and skills developed in GSPY 6812 and 6813 or equivalents. Participants will examine critically advanced strategies for more in depth therapeutic approaches and will have the opportunity through practicum experiences to apply and evaluate selected techniques. Practicum hours required
GSPY 6817
Strategies for Intervention with Learning Difficulties: A Developmental Perspective 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): successful completion of an undergraduate course in child development
An examination of learning difficulties in children within a developmental framework Current approaches, intervention strategies, materials and methods will be critically reviewed. Opportunities to explore the link between assessment and intervention, implications for the practice of school psychology and to gain knowledge about the role of the school psychologist in supporting persons with learning difficulties. Note: Students who have received credit for GSPY 6815 may not take this course for credit.
GSPY 6819
Seminar and Internship in School Psychology 1.0 unit
Prerequisite(s): registration in the School Psychology program, the successful completion of all practicum requirements and normally all coursework with the exception of thesis requirements
Seminars examine ethical and professional issues and effective intervention strategies for graduate students in supervised internships in schools. The focus is on a bridge between the role of student and the role of psychologist, through consideration and integration of initial professional experiences. The student completes a minimum of 500 hours in the internship and participates in the seminars throughout the two terms of the University year. Open only to students enrolled in the Master of Arts program in School Psychology, who have successfully completed all practicum requirements of the Program and normally all coursework of the Program with the exception of thesis requirements. A minimum of 500 hours internship required.
GSPY 6820
Child Clinical Psychology 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): an undergraduate course in abnormal psychology, child clinical psychology or equivalent
A detailed examination will be given to selected areas in child clinical psychology, including developmental and personality disorders. Emphasis will be placed on an understanding of the research contributions and implications for practice.
GSPY 6822
Ethical Principles and Practices in Professional Psychology 0.5 unit
This seminar course will focus on the process and the underlying assumptions of ethical decision making and inquiry and their practical application in the provision of psychological services especially in, but not limited to, the school setting. Theories and models of ethical decision making will be introduced, discussed and applied. As well, selected codes of practice will be reviewed including the Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists.
GSPY 6823
The Psychology of Child and Adolescent Development 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): an undergraduate course in developmental psychology or equivalent
A critical review of child and adolescent development. Examination and analysis of various theories and research on aspects of development incorporating an analysis of how the interaction between individuals, family, school and society fosters development. Applications to the educational environment will be examined.
GSPY 6824
Perspectives on Diversity: Implications for the Practice of School Psychology 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): registration in the graduate program in school psychology or permission of the instructor
A critical examination of current perspectives on diversity in its broadest sense using a socio-psychological framework with an emphasis on learners who are African Canadian, First Nations and ESL. Students will be provided opportunities individually and collectively to explore multi-faceted approaches to psychological service delivery for diverse populations.
GSPY 6831
Neurodevelopmental and Neuropsychological Issues in Childhood 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): registration in the school psychology program and successful completion of undergraduate courses in child development and physiological psychology or equivalent
Children’s learning profiles are examined using formal and informal measures based on eight basic neurodevelopmental functions and academic skills, the relationship between patterns of disordered learning and neuroanatomical structures and further development interpreting neuropsychological test results. Note: Students who have received credit for GSPY 6821 may not take this course for credit.
GSPY 6840
Clinical Practice 1: Seminar in School Psychology Consultation Skills 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): registration in the school psychology program. To be taken concurrently with GSPY 6841, 6842, and 6843
A seminar course covering communication and consultative strategies for school psychologists. Topics include examination of various consultative models, issues regarding role expansion for school psychologists and best practices in consultation. Note: Students who received credit for GSPY 6810 may not take this course for credit.
GSPY 6841
Practicum in School Psychology Consultation Skills 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): registration in the school psychology program. To be taken concurrently with GSPY 6840, 6842, 6843
A practicum course covering the practice of communication and consultative strategies for school psychologists. The primary objective addresses the sharing of psychological assessment results with those involved in the care of the child. Note: Students who received credit for GSPY 6811 may not take this course for credit.
GSPY 6842
Clinical Practice 2: Seminar in Psychological Assessment 1.0 unit
Prerequisite(s): registration in the school psychology program. To be taken concurrently with GSPY 6840, 6841, 6843
A seminar in psychological assessment, effective reporting and programming implications. Included are topics and clinical practice on interviewing strategies; observation skills; and, the administration, scoring and interpretation of individual psychological tests, with a focus on tests of intellectual ability. Note: Students who have received credit for GSPY 6810 may not take this course for credit.
GSPY 6843
Practicum in Psychological Assessment 1.0 unit
Prerequisite(s): registration in the school psychology program. To be taken concurrently with GSPY 6840, 6841, 6842
A practicum in psychological assessment, effective reporting and programming implications. Included are clinical practice on interviewing strategies; observation skills; and, the administration, scoring and interpretation of individual psychological tests, with a focus on tests of intellectual ability. Note: Students who received credit for GSPY 6811 may not take this course for credit.
GSPY 6844
Clinical Practice 3: Therapeutic Interventions for Psychological Practice I 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): registration in the school psychology program. To be taken concurrently with GSPY 6840, 6841, 6842 and 6843
This course will focus on various therapies with an emphasis on brief therapy; psychological approaches, strategies, techniques and interventions aimed at problem solving, skill development in communication and therapeutic intervention, and problem resolution for children with mental health concerns. Note: Students who received credit for GSPY 6812 may not take this course for credit.
GSPY 6845
Clinical Practice 4: Seminar in Therapeutic Interventions in Psychological Practice II 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): GSPY 6844. To be taken concurrently with GSPY 6840, 6841 and 6842
This course will build on the therapy techniques introduced and developed in Therapeutic Interventions I. Weekly seminars will focus on critical appraisal of various strategies, their fit within a collaborative problem solving process and their effectiveness. An emphasis on brief therapy techniques will exist along with a critical review of the impact of short term therapy with children, youth and their families. This course should be completed concurrently with other courses in the Clinical Practice group. Note: Students who received credit for GSPY 6813 may not take this course for credit.
GSPY 6846
Practicum in Therapeutic Intervention in Psychological Practice 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): GSPY 6844. To be taken concurrently with GSPY 6845
A practicum course focussed on applying therapeutic principles and their application to assess, develop, implement and evaluate treatment programs for children with mental health issues. Note: Students who have received credit for GSPY 6813 may not take this course for credit.
GSPY 6847
Seminar in Strategies for Managing Behavioural Concerns 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): registration in the School Psychology Program and successful completion of an undergraduate course in behavioural psychology
A seminar course focussed on developing and understanding behavioural principles and their application to assess and develop treatment programs for children with challenging behaviours. Various models, methods and strategies are examined with a focus on functional assessment and applied behavioural analysis. Note: Students who have received credit for GSPY 6814 may not take this course for credit.
GSPY 6849
Advanced Seminar in Psychological Assessment 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of GSPY 6842 and 6843 or equivalent and permission of the instructor
Critical examination and development of advanced assessment strategies, techniques and skills in selected areas of psychological, neuropsychological and personality/behavioural assessment.
GSPY 6850
Advanced Practicum in Psychological Assessment 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of GSPY 6842 and 6843 or equivalent and permission of the instructor. To be completed concurrently with GSPY 6849
Development of advanced assessment strategies, techniques and skills in selected areas of psychological, neuropsychological and personality/behavioural assessment through an integrated practicum.
GSPY 6853
Research Seminar in School Psychology 0.5 unit
GSPY 6854
Research Seminar in School Psychology 0.5 unit
GSPY 6855
Research Seminar in School Psychology 1.0 unit
Special session courses for School Psychology students in a related topic. Topics will vary. Note: May be taken more than once for credential credit.
GSPY 6856
Special Topics in School Psychology 0.5 unit
GSPY 6857
Special Topics in School Psychology 0.5 unit
GSPY 6858
Special Topics in School Psychology 1.0 unit
These courses are designed to allow students to study in greater depth a topic in School Psychology that is treated more briefly in another graduate course or a related topic that is not covered in another graduate course. Note: May be taken more than once for credential credit.
GSPY 6870
Children with Exceptionalities: Psychological Perspectives 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): an undergraduate course in exceptionalities or equivalent is desired
This course examines issues and practices for children with exceptional needs with an emphasis on learning disabilities, developmental delays, emotional disturbance and giftedness.
GSPY 6871
Inclusive Practices for Learners with Exceptionalities in the Regular Classroom 0.5 unit
This course will provide an opportunity to critically examine programs, services, and approaches essential to inclusive practices for learners with exceptionalities in the regular classroom. The course is designed to provide educators with an opportunity to reflect upon their own practices drawing on the research and literature that exists relative to education of children and youth with exceptionalities in the regular classroom. As well, a pragmatic examination of materials, methods, techniques, and resources will form a part of the course.
GSPY 6872
Psycho-educational Assessment 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): an undergraduate course in assessment/measurement theory or equivalent and GSPY 6870 or 6871 or equivalent
The integration of theory and practice in educational diagnosis through class seminars and a practicum placement. Assessment strategies including interviewing, observation, formal and informal group and individual tests, diagnosis and program development will be covered. Enrolment limits are set in accordance with practicum availability. Individuals planning to undertake this course should consult with the program co-ordinator as soon as possible. Practicum hours required
GSPY 6873
Psychological Principles and Practices: Programming for Learners with Special Needs 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): GSPY 6872 or equivalent
An overview of current approaches to the development and application of individual educational programs and procedures for learners. Within a supervised practicum context, students will develop and implement programs on a one-to-one basis and/or in small group situations or in consultation with teachers, with selected children with identified exceptionalities.
Enrolment limits are set in accordance with practicum availability. Individuals planning to undertake this course should consult with the program co-ordinator as soon as possible. Practicum required
GSPY 6874
The Psychology of Reasoning/Thinking 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): an undergraduate course in cognition, learning, or equivalent
This course will focus on reasoning/thinking and problem-solving. It will incorporate implications of current psychological and educational research, theories of cognitive development and sociocultural perspectives for teaching and learning as they apply to and foster understanding of the reasoning process and children’s thinking.
Academic Note: This web-based calendar information is applicable for the 2025-2026 academic year which runs from September 01, 2025 to August 31, 2026.
For information on previous years, please consult the University Academic Calendars web page.
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