The Dietitians of Canada grant accreditation to University’s for Baccalaureate programs in dietetic education when the nationally established standards and guidelines are practiced and upheld; enabling proper education and ethical standards to be proficient ensuring competent graduates from these specific programs.
The baccalaureate program in dietetics education accreditation is an extension of the educational guidelines put forth by the Dietitians of Canada; a framework for the curriculum development and evaluation which the university creates with flexibility in order to be compatible with the philosophy and organizational structure associated with DC. These philosophy and organizational structures include program philosophy, objectives, organization, coordinator, faculty, students, curriculum and resources. Minimum educational guidelines for professional education lie within the professional association.
Every seven years, an on-site accreditation review occurs. However, there is a requirement for changes to programs to be reported annually.
Included in the accreditation process are the university’s self-assessment, peer review and compliance of guidelines. Notification to the Director, Professional Standards is required to be competed several months prior to the initiation of the program self-analysis. Accreditation surveyors are then forwarded the program from the university, who review the report and subsequently perform a two-day on-site visit. From the surveyor’s report, the Director of Professional Standards then forwards it on to the Accreditation Committee. Successfully reviewing the report, the Accreditation Committee then recommends accreditation standing be granted by the Chief Executive Officer. The university’s internship coordinator then receives a registered letter from DC signifying accreditation, this occurs within three months of the on-site visit.
The DC Manual, which provides a detailed explanation, description and distribution of the Accreditation of Baccalaureate Programs in Dietetic Education can be located here.