One sign of academic excellence is the attainment of Deans’ List Standing.
To attain this honour, a student must achieve a GPA of 3.5 or higher in five consecutive units of credit, with no grade below B-. Students may be enroled on either a full-time or part-time basis.
The Deans’ List is prepared and posted annually during the fall semester. Mount Saint Vincent University and letter of permission courses included in the calculation of cumulative GPAs are considered in the preparation of the Deans’ List. Courses are considered only once for inclusion in the Deans’ List and the calculations are based on 5.0 unit increments. Coursework transferred from another institution is not eligible for consideration in the Deans’ List.
Within the academic standing of the Deans’ List, a student may achieve first class honours by obtaining a GPA of 3.7 in five units of credit, with no grade below a B-.
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2022-2023 (Last updated October 23, 2023)