Sharing our stories, tips, and experiences to help you get the most out of being an MSVU student!

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What the Mentors Learned This Year!
As the semester comes to an end, the Mount Mentors, senior students at MSVU, want to share what they have learned this year and hopefully you can apply it to your studies next year. Read the full blog post.


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Final Exams: All You Need to Know
With final exams quickly approaching, Mount Mentor Shermiaya has some great preparation tips leading up to finals, and advice for the night before and the day of your exams. Best of luck Mystics, we got this! Read the full blog post.


Tips on Writing Resumes and Cover Letters
With the winter semester coming to an end and summer jobs looming, your Mount Mentors would like to leave you with a few tips for your resumes and cover letters to aid with your job application. Read the full blog-post.

Assignment Editing: DIY
So you have finished the final draft of your writing assignment, now what? Mount Mentor and undergraduate thesis student Natalie shares her top 5 tips for self-editing.  Read the full blog-post.

University Jargon & Vocabulary
As you get ready to register for classes for next year, you might come across some vocabulary or jargon that you aren’t familiar with. This post will explain those terms so that you know exactly what you’re reading when looking at the academic calendar or course offerings! Read the full blog post

Making the Most of your Extra Day: The Magic of Leap Year
Do you ever think there aren’t enough days in the year to get everything done? We get a bonus every four years, on February 29th, commonly known as Leap Day! But why do we have an additional day, and how can we make the best of it? Let’s all explore the interesting world of leap years! Read the full blog post.

Mid-Term Success: Balancing Mid-Rem Academic Success and Rest
With Winter mid-terms approaching, learn how to find healthy and helpful balance between managing the stress and commitments of mid-term exams and rest and well being.  Read the full blog post.


Captain Crow–Forever Our Valentine
Happy Valentine’s Day, Mystics! In honour of this special day, we want to show the love to our most special Valentine: Captain Crow! Read the full blog post.

Mid-Term Success: Balancing Mid-Rem Academic Success and Rest

With Winter mid-terms approaching, learn how to find healthy and helpful balance between managing the stress and commitments of mid-term exams and rest and well being.  Read the full blog post.

Caritas Day – What is it?
On the last Wednesday of January annually, the MSVU community celebrates Caritas Day, but do you know why? Click on the title above which is linked to our blog post about the history of Caritas Day and how you can participate in events to commemorate it.  Read the full post.

All About Supplemental Instruction
Do you know that you can get on-campus tutoring for free?! Supplemental Instruction are extra sessions taught by senior classmates who have already taken some of MSVU’s challenging introductory courses like Psychology, Statistics, Chemistry, and Accounting. Find out how to register today!  Read the full post.

Welcome Back 
Welcome back, Mystics! Starting the semester is a time for goal-setting and planning. Find out how to prepare for the new semester! Read the full post.

How to Prep for Finals 
Exams and tests are the periods in which you showcase the great work you’ve done throughout the semester. Find out how to better prepare for your exams in the Mount Mentor blog post! Read the full post.

What to do when you left everything to the last minute? 
It happens to everyone – you left everything to the last minute and now you don’t know where to start. Here are some things that I’ve found helpful for when I inevitably leave something to the last minute. Read the full post.

How-to: Office Hours
If there’s one common thing all mentors recommend, it’s to visit your professor during office hours. Take advantage of office hours to ask questions, get guidance on assignments, better understand the course material, and so much more. It’s totally okay if you have no clue why or how to use your professor’s office hours. We’ve got you covered! Read the full post.

What to do if you receive a Right Start referral
It’s possible you’ve already received an email from Academic Advising about Right Start. But if you’ve never heard of the program, I imagine you’re wondering why you received an email at all. I’m going to take you through the Right Start program here at MSVU and how you can benefit from its support.  Read the full post.

Understanding Feedback 
After you’ve received your assignment back, it may be tempting to just look at the grade and move on. But if you do that, you’re missing out on one of the most important parts of the assignment: reading the feedback. No matter what your grade was, reading your professor’s feedback is a great way to learn and improve on assignments in your course and during your university career. Read the full post.

Applying for Bursaries
The in-course bursary deadline is Friday, November 3, 2023. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to be awarded one of these non-repayable awards given to students based on financial need. Read the full post.

Maintaining Your Mental Health
As the days get shorter and the temperature becomes colder, it’s not unusual to notice that your mental health may not be in the same place it was at the beginning of the semester. The excitement of the new semester is over, and the reality of your courses and their workload has finally taken hold. How can you maintain your mental health during the darker, colder, and stressful months as a student? Read the full post.

How to Write a Professional Email
I used to stress out every time I had to email my professors because I wasn’t sure if  there was a certain way I had to write. I’m here to tell you that although there is an art to emailing, it’s really easy to master! Read the full post.

Autumn is Blooming: How to Make the Most of the Best Season on the MSVU Campus
Autumn is, in my opinion, the best season.  Going into my fifth year, I’ve learned there are so many ways to take advantage of the best season right here on the MSVU campus. Read the full post 

A Guide to Meeting Your Professors
One of the most common university tips that students hear is to introduce yourself to your professor on the first day. But what if you didn’t get a chance to meet them on the first week? Is it too late? You might wonder when to do it, what to say next, or even why it matters at all! Read the full post.

Starting the Semester Off Right: Tips from a Recovering Procrastinator
If you’re a procrastinator like me, you know all too well that leaving things to the last minute (intentional or not) causes a great deal of stress. It can be difficult to change how you approach your schoolwork, but introducing some new tools and strategies at the beginning of your semester can ease your procrastination panic later. Read the full post

Making Friends: How to Put Yourself Out There 
From firsthand experience, making friends in university can be hard and can cause a bit of anxiety. To help you, here are my top three tips on how to put yourself out there and make friends. Read the full post.

What to Expect: Your First Week of University 
It’s the start of a new adventure! Find out some things to expect during your first week at MSVU! Read the full post.

Getting Involved: How to Join a Society
Joining a society is one of the best ways to get involved at MSVU. It offers a great chance to meet new people, learn useful skills, and pursue your interests outside of the classroom. I am here to help you navigate the process of joining a society at MSVU. Read the full post.