Password Tips
Please see the tips below for making good passwords.
Please see the tips below for making good passwords.
Longer is stronger for passwords. Try to 10 for more characters for your password.
Mount passwords must be at least eight characters long, but the longer the better because longer passwords are harder for hackers to crack.
Try using a passphrase to base your your password on multiple words.
For instance, string together four words that have meaning to you, but not to other people. Then capitalize some letters, add a number, and some special characters, and, presto.
For example, you could use “Robie”, “pug”, “Alberta”, and “coffee” to make “RobiePugABcoff33*. It would take a computer 93 trillion years to crack that password
The How Secure Is My Password? | Password Strength Checker (security.org) allows you test how strong a password would be.
Mount passwords must contain at least one number, one upper case, and one lower case letter.
Adding special characters (like !@#$%^&*()-=_+) help too.
Apgle117 is a reasonable password, but Iw1shf0r1M1ll! (I wish for 1 Million!) is an example of a password that is fairly easy to remember, meets all requirements, and is more secure.
They allow you to store all your credentials in one place, and make it easy to have unique passwords for each app or site.
There are many products available, and some are free. To find the password manager for you, see our Password Managers webpage.
For each website or app, use a unique password.
If you re-use your password for multiple account and someone gets your password, they can log into all accounts.
Password managers make it easy to manage the hundreds of unique passwords you might need.
Don’t share your passwords with others because…
Don’t use dictionary words or any part of your username should not be used to make your password.
Hackers might also research you on social media, so don’t use your pet’s or your partner’s name, or other things that someone could find out about you.
Two factor authentication (also known as two step authentication) requires you to verify your identity twice. This additional authentication step might require you to enter a code sent by text message, or enter a response to an app on your phone, in order to log in or complete a payment.
This makes it harder to break into your account even if someone had your password.
Many companies like Gmail, Apple, and PayPal offer this option.