Award for Early Career Research
The Early Career Research Award, given to an early-career full-time faculty member, recognizes the individual’s commitment and achievement as a contributor to the research community and to the research climate at Mount Saint Vincent University. This award serves to reward excellence and achievement in research, not only recognizing the achievements of a given early career faculty member, but also emphasizing the important role of research in university life. A certificate will be awarded at Spring convocation, and the recipient’s faculty photo and research profile will be displayed on the Research Office website. The award will stand as a testament to the significant contribution of research to the University.
Nomination Process
Nominations packaged for the Award for Early Career Research will be accepted until March 29th. Nominations can be made by any faculty member to the Committee on Research and Publications. This committee is a standing committee of Senate, and its membership is representative of all major scholarly areas of the University. The Committee on Research and Publications will make a recommendation for the award to the President, as Chair of Senate. For complete details on the nomination process, please review the Call for Nominations.
Recipients of the Mount Saint Vincent University Award for Research Excellence
The award was established to recognize a faculty member at the beginning of their career who is pursuing exciting and innovative research in their field.
The Mount’s Award for Early Career Research was first awarded to a faculty member in 2019. The Mount continues to present this award to faculty members who have contributed to the research community.