The University Research Ethics Board (UREB) is the governing body of ethical conduct for research involving humans or their data at Mount Saint Vincent University (MSVU). To ensure that all research conforms to the minimum ethical standards and requirements as set out in the Tri-Council Policy Statement (TCPS), please review the REB guidance documents provided below. ***Researchers must obtain research ethics clearance prior to beginning the research.***

Notice to Researchers
The information in these documents are for information and guidance purposes only. Each research study poses unique properties and/or situations that may require additional or different guidance than what is presented in this document. The information in the documents below is meant to provide general situational advice and does not constitute research ethics compliance in absolute form. If researchers have questions or concerns, please contact

REB.INFO.001 REB Glossary of Terms – July 2024

REB.INFO.002 Reference Documents for the REB – July 2024

REB.INFO.101 Application of US Regulations – July 2024

REB.INFO.301 Visitors to REB Meetings – July 2024

REB.INFO.400 Categories of Review by Application – July 2024

REB.INFO.401 Faculty & Staff Submission Process – July 2024

REB.INFO.402 Graduate Student Submission Process – July 2024

REB.INFO.403 Undergraduate Student Submission Process – July 2024

REB.INFO.404  Ongoing Ethics Review Guidance – July 2024

REB.INFO.405 Modification Request – July 2024

REB.INFO.406 Revisions and Clarifications –  July 2024

REB.INFO.410 Demographic Questions (best practices) –  July 2024

REB.INFO.411 Suicidal Risk and Ideation –  July 2024

REB.INFO.501 Current Human Research Participant F2F Status (COVID-19) – currently INACTIVE – July 2023

REB.INFO.502 Researcher Procedures for Resuming F2F Research – currently INACTIVE – July 2023

REB.INFO.503 Sensitive Data – July 2024

REB.INFO.504 Use of On-line Surveys –  July 2024

REB.INFO.506 Use of Bonus Points as Participant Incentives – July 2024