Committee on Research and Publications

The Committee on Research and Publications (CRP) is a standing committee of Senate, the purpose of which is to:

  • encourage research and publications within the university,
  • to act as the peer review committee for the allocation of internal research funds, and
  • to advise Senate on research policy and priorities.

The CRP is composed of the Associate Vice-President, Research (Chairperson) and eight members from the Eligible Faculty Complement to include at least one professional librarian and at least one from each of the following disciplinary areas: humanities, social sciences, education, sciences, and professional programs.

View the current CRP members at the Senate Standing Committees page.

Internal Grant Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

CRP Policies

CRP Terms of Reference (pdf)

The Terms of Reference describes the Authority, Purpose, Membership, and Functions of the Committee on Research and Publications.

Conflict of Interest in Research Policy (pdf)

Mount Saint Vincent University (MSVU) has a duty to ensure that the conduct of research is not compromised by real or perceived conflicts of interest, according to the Agreement on the Administration of Agency Grants and Awards by Research Institutions, as signed by both MSVU and the Tri-Agencies (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and Canadian Institute of Health Research).
(CRP 2020-02/CRP.POL.003)

Policy on Responsible Conduct of Research (pdf)

This document is designed to promote responsible conduct of research at MSVU by providing information about the meaning of responsible conduct of research and how to foster and achieve research integrity.
(CRP 2020 01/RESO.POL.001)

Award for Research Excellence (pdf)

The Award for Research Excellence, given to a faculty member on an annual basis, recognizes the individual’s contribution to the research community and to the research climate at Mount Saint Vincent University. The award also serves as a showcase to the high level of scholarly research at Mount Saint Vincent University.

Release Time Awards (pdf)

Research is a core component of faculty engagement with the University. As stated in the University’s Strategic Plan, MSVU recognizes the value of faculty research and scholarly activities. In order to support faculty members in carrying out their research, MSVU provides a program of release time for external grant holders. The purpose of a Release Time Award is to provide faculty with additional time to conduct grant-funded research.


Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Procedures

RCR Allegation Procedures (pdf)