On Sunday, March 6, the Mount will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of its Nancy’s Chair in Women’s Studies. The event, hosted by Dr. Ramona Lumpkin, President and Vice Chancellor of the Mount,  is also part of the Mount’s celebrations of the 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day.

Nancy’s Chair was established in 1986 and endowed by well-known Toronto-based feminist and philanthropist Senator Nancy Ruth. The Chair raises awareness of women’s issues, advocates for social justice nationally and brings distinguished guests to the Mount to discuss the advancement of women. The presence of the Chair adds significantly to the intellectual strength in women’s studies at the Mount and in the Atlantic region.

“Twenty-five years after endowing a Chair in Women’s Studies at Mount Saint Vincent University, I’m delighted to see that the Chair continues to bring in strong feminist scholars and activists,” says Hon. Senator Nancy Ruth. “They further our knowledge of issues critical to the advancement of women.  In educating students to advance our human rights they give us hope for the future and I celebrate them all.”

The Hon. Senator Nancy Ruth, C.M.  will be attending the event and will be joined by the Mount’s present Nancy’s Chair, Dr. Rita Shelton Deverell, as well as past Nancy’s Chairs including Filmmaker and 8th Nancy’s Chair, Sylvia Hamilton, Activist and 7th Nancy’s Chair Sharon Batt and Women’s Historian and 6th Nancy’s Chair, Dr. Margaret Conrad.

As the first Canadian university to establish a department of women’s studies, the Mount is proud of the University-wide commitment to the advancement of women’s education and issues. This Anniversary is a time to celebrate the generosity of Senator Nancy Ruth and the contributions of past Chairs.

“We are thrilled to have Senator Nancy Ruth joining us to celebrate the longevity and vitality of the Nancy’s Chair in Women’s Studies at the Mount, says Dr. Deverell.  “We acknowledge the vibrant 25 years of contributions of the Nancy’s Chair in Women’s Studies and look forward to contributions to come from future Chairs.”