Senate-Related Committees have one feature in common: the Senate Nominations Committee is responsible for conducting elections to fill the membership. Some of them are established under their own terms of reference; others are established under the Collective Agreement with the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association.

The Nancy Rowell Jackman Chair in Women’s Studies (Nancy’s Chair) was established at Mount Saint Vincent University in the mid-1980s. Endowed by well-known Toronto-based feminist and philanthropist Nancy Ruth, the Chair raises awareness of women’s issues by bringing to campus distinguished scholars in women’s studies and activists who have contributed to the advancement of women. The Nancy’s Chair Committee is responsible for appointments to this chair.

Dr. Carrie Dawson

Ex-Officio Members:
Dean of Arts & Science, Dr. Carrie Dawson 
Vice-President Academic and Provost or designate, Dr. Lori Francis
Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Susan Trenholm
Department of Women’s Studies Chairperson, Vacant

Faculty Representatives (3):
Dr. Meredith Ralston, Department of Women’s Studies Representative: January 1, 2024 – June 30, 2026
Senate Elected
Vacant, AMI Representative

The University Review Committee is established under the Collective Agreement with the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association (Article 20.7). Its responsibility is to assess, in view of the recommendations of the Department Review Committee and Dean, the applications of candidates for reappointment, tenure and promotion. It is Senate-related in that the Senate Nominations Committee manages the election.

Dr. Lori Francis

Ex-Officio Member:
Vice-President Academic and Provost, Dr. Lori Francis

Faculty Representatives (3):
Dr. Christine Doe, Education: July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2026
Dr. Alex Khasnabish, Arts & Science: April 2, 2024 – June 30, 2026
Dr. Shane Theunissen, Professional Studies: July 1, 2024- June 30, 2027

The University Review Committee for Librarians is established under the Collective Agreement with the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association (Article 21.7). Its responsibility is to assess, in view of the recommendations of the Librarians’ Review Committee and the University Librarian, the applications of candidates for reappointment, permanence and promotion. It is Senate-related in that the Senate Nominations Committee manages the election.

Dr. Lori Francis

Ex-Officio Member:
Vice-President Academic and Provost, Dr. Lori Francis

Faculty Representatives:
Librarian Lindsay MacCallum: August 16, 2023 – June 30, 2026
Librarian Stan Orlov: July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2026

The University Review Committee for Lab Instructors is established under the Collective Agreement with the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association (Article 48B.8). Its responsibility is to assess, in view of the recommendations of the Department Review Committee (LI) and Dean, the applications of candidates for reappointment, permanence and promotion. It is Senate-related in that the Senate Nominations Committee manages the election.

Dr. Lori Francis

Ex-Officio Member:
Vice-President Academic and Provost, Dr. Lori Francis

Faculty Representatives:
Prof. Paulette Cormier-MacBurnie;  July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2026
Lab Instructor Kevin Shaughnessy: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2027

The University Charter specifies that three members be selected by and from the faculty. Two of these are elected by the Faculty Complement in an election managed by the Senate Nominations Committee; the third is the President of the Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association, ex-officio.

Faculty Representatives:
Dr. Deborah Norris: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2026
Dr. Amy Thurlow: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2026
Dr. Tianyaun Yu, President, MSVU Faculty Assoc:  July 1, 2024 – Pro Tem

The Joint Board/Senate Liaison Committee is a subcommittee of the Board of Governors. Its purpose is to serve as a means of communication between the Board and Senate on matters of common concern, with special reference to the task of linking academic goals and financial forecasts.

Senate Representatives (2):
Dr. Gabie Durepos:  January 1, 2023 – June 30, 2025
Dr. Jeff MacLeod:  July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2025

The Chair in Learning Disabilities was created as part of the Capital Campaign of Mount Saint Vincent University through support from individual donors, professional educators, parents and learners and the Government of Nova Scotia. The primary purpose of the Chair in Learning Disabilities, which was established with gifts from individual donors and the Government of Nova Scotia, is to conduct and communicate research into best practices to address the academic, personal and social strengths and needs of children and youth with learning disabilities. The Advisory Committee supports the work of the Chairholder.

Dr. Antony Card

Ex-Officio Members:
Dean of Education, Dr. Antony Card

Faculty Representatives:
Dr. Christine Lackner: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2026
Prof. Lindsay Leighton: July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2026