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Meaningful novelty: The first MA (PR) student defends his thesis

Posted: 3 September 2010


  Following his thesis defense, Gerald (third from left), thanks thesis committee member Tony Yue, his thesis advisor Dr. DeNel Rehberg Sedo, and thesis committee member Dr. Alla Kushniryk for their guidance through the process. It’s a…

Mount Saint Vincent University to host peace conference

Posted: 16 June 2010


Internationally recognized leaders in peace education, women’s activism, and the disarmament movement will gather at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax for the Being the Change: Building a Culture of Peace conference taking place July…

Mount professor co-recipient of million dollar research grant

Posted: 30 April 2010


Dr. Leslie Brown, Chair/Professor, Sociology & Anthropology, is a co-recipient and member of the management board of a new million-dollar, five-year, Community-University Research Alliance (CURA) grant for the project “Measuring the social, environmental and economic…

Mount Interim President honoured by Rotary Club of Halifax

Posted: 26 April 2010


Congratulations to Interim President and   Vice-Chancellor, Alexa McDonough who was recently honoured at the Rotary Club of Halifax Annual Spring Dinner with a Paul Harris Fellowship.  The fellowship is awarded to those who have shown…