Articulated Degree Arrangements
The Mount has Articulation Agreements with the New Brunswick community College, Nova Scotia Community College, Bermuda College, Holland College, Lasalle College, and a variety of international institutions.
New Brunswick Community College (2+2)
Students holding specific Diplomas from the New Brunswick Community College who are admitted to related professional undergraduate degree programs at Mount Saint Vincent University may be granted up to 50 percent of degree requirements as transfer credit. New Brunswick Community College and Mount Saint Vincent University have signed specific articulation agreements between the following Diplomas and Degrees:
- The Diploma in Business Administration (NBCC) and the Bachelor of Business Administration (MSVU)
Nova Scotia Community College (2+2)
Students holding specific Diplomas from the Nova Scotia Community College who are admitted to related professional undergraduate degree programs at Mount Saint Vincent University may be granted up to 50 percent of degree requirements as transfer credit. Nova Scotia Community College and Mount Saint Vincent University have signed specific articulation agreements between the following Diplomas and Degrees.
- The Diploma in Business Administration (NSCC) and the Bachelor of Business Administration (MSVU)
- Business – Hospitality Diploma (NSCC) and the Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management (MSVU)
- Business – Tourism Diploma (NSCC) and the Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management (MSVU)
- Culinary Management Diploma (NSCC) and the Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management (MSVU)
- The Diploma in Early Childhood Education (NSCC) and the Bachelor of Arts (Child & Youth Study) (MSVU)
- The Diploma in Child & Youth Study (NSCC) and the Bachelor of Arts (Child & Youth Study) (MSVU)
- The Diploma in Social Services (NSCC) and the Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Psychology (MSVU)
- The Diploma in Social Services (NSCC) and the Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Sociology/Anthropology (MSVU)
- The Diploma in Social Services (NSCC) and the Bachelor of Arts (Combined Major) Family Studies or Gerontology (MSVU)
- The Diploma in Therapeutic Recreation (NSCC) for a Combined Major in Family Studies or Gerontology (MSVU)
Students completing Diplomas at the Nova Scotia Community College should contact their “Campus Centre for Student Success” for information.
Cambrian College (2+2)
Students holding specific Diplomas from Cambrian College who are admitted to related professional undergraduate degree programs at Mount Saint Vincent University may be granted up to 50 percent of degree requirements as transfer credit. Cambrian College and Mount Saint Vincent University have signed specific articulation agreements between the following Diplomas and Degrees.
The Diploma in Business Administration (Accounting – ACBU) (Cambrian College) and the Bachelor of Business Administration (MSVU)
The Diploma in Business Administration (BUAD) (Cambrian College) and the Bachelor of Business Administration (MSVU)
The Diploma in Business (GEBU) (Cambrian College) and the Bachelor of Business Administration (MSVU)
- Upon completion of the prescribed Cambrian College coursework and elective choices outlined for individual diploma programs completed at Cambrian College, students will receive up to a maximum of 10 units of transfer credit toward the Bachelor of Business Administration degree at Mount Saint Vincent University.
- As of this date, Mount Saint Vincent University and Cambrian College have reviewed program requirements and have determined specific transfer credits from Cambrian College to the Bachelor of Business Administration degree.
- Students wishing to complete specific options in the Bachelor of Business Administration may be required to complete additional courses.
Bermuda College
Students holding specific associate credentials from Bermuda College who are admitted to related four-year professional, undergraduate degree programs at Mount Saint Vincent University will be granted transfer credits as follows:
- Upon completion of the prescribed coursework and elective choices outlined for individual associate programs completed at Bermuda College, students may apply for admission to the related four-year professional degree through the office of the Co-ordinator for External Programs at Bermuda College. In the program of study required to complete the degree, students can transfer a maximum of 12.5 units of credit from Bermuda College coursework toward the degree. Upon the completion of the program of study, Mount Saint Vincent University will award the degree in association with Bermuda College.
- In addition, students holding specific diploma or associate credentials from Bermuda College which are not included in the articulated degree arrangements who are admitted to undergraduate degree programs at Mount Saint Vincent University will be granted transfer credits as follows:
- Upon completion of the prescribed coursework and elective choices outlined for individual diploma or associate credentials completed at Bermuda College, students can receive transfer credits up to a maximum of 50 percent of the requirements for the specific degree program at Mount Saint Vincent University (7.5 units toward a 15-unit degree or 10 units toward a 20-unit degree).
Transfer Credits from Lasalle College
Students holding specific diploma programs from Lasalle College who are admitted to the Bachelor of Business Administration or the Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management degree at Mount Saint Vincent University will be granted transfer credits as follows:
- Upon completion of the prescribed Lasalle College coursework and elective choices outlined for individual diploma programs completed at Lasalle College, students will receive up to a maximum of 10 units of transfer credit toward the Bachelor of Business Administration or the Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management degree at Mount Saint Vincent University.
- As of this date, Mount Saint Vincent University and Lasalle College have reviewed program requirements and have determined specific transfer credits from Lasalle College to the Bachelor of Business Administration or the Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management degree.