902 457 6567 | accessibilityservices@msvu.ca | EMF 108 Do you have a disability and are you thinking of applying to MSVU? Not sure how accommodations work? Are you curious how the accommodations process differs from high…
Campus Life – Accessibility Services
902 457 6567 | accessibilityservices@msvu.ca | EMF 108 About our services Our team provides individual support to over 700 students, by promoting self-advocacy and an equitable learning environment. Some examples of the types of…
Documentation Requirements Learning Disabilities: we require a psychoeducational assessment from a registered psychologist; if the assessment was completed before you turned 18 years of age, and it is more than 5 years old, we may require an updated…
Be in the know! Using inclusive and non-discriminatory language helps everyone engage in meaningful dialogue. If you’ve ever felt uncertain about how to refer to someone with a disability, the appropriate thing to do is…
YOUR ROLE Accessibility Services supports students with disabilities using a variety of accommodations. While you may have personal experience supporting someone with a particular disability, it is important to understand that accommodations are tailored to…
Mount Saint Vincent University is committed to providing a supportive and inclusive environment for all undergraduate, graduate, and professional studies students with disabilities who attend the University. We work with students, staff and faculty to…