You shouldn’t need a university degree to figure out how to get a university degree
Planning for university is a lot of work. But don’t panic. Figuring things out is easier than you think.
You should think about a number of things when you choose a school. What program do you want to study? What are your career goals and how will you achieve them? Do you want to stay close to home or travel to a new place? It’s important not just to pick the right program, but to make sure the university is a good fit.
The university experience is brand new to you, so you shouldn’t be afraid to ask questions.
Don’t stress out
Prepare by reminding yourself you don’t have to make all your life-changing decisions right away. Some students end up changing their minds (and their degree programs!) after starting school. Your world is about to open up in a big way, and there’s nothing wrong with choosing to explore everything it has to offer.